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Happy reading lovelies!❤🥰💖

"Why do you have almost all your clothes in suitcases?" Mia asked as she walked around my closet.

I had not told anybody about my decision to move in with my Dad.
Nobody understood my decisions and they weren't going to understand that decision either. I was planning to tell everyone when I had moved in with my Dad. I knew she wasn't going to let the issue go and I had no other choice but to inform her about my decision.

"I'm moving in with my Dad."

The expression on her face was the same as Lauren's and mommy's expression when I told them. I knew none of them were going to support me but I didn't give a shit, I was going to do anything to get away from my mother and her husband.

"You cannot do that Ivanna that's the stupidest thing you could ever do and you're not eighteen yet, you have to stay with your mother." Mia glared at me.

"We are here to find you a dress not to chat." She hesitated at first but knowing her she wouldn't wanna look like a hilly Billy to the dance.

"I'll drop the subject only because I have no time and I have to cheer at the homecoming game," Mia said while going through the evening gowns in the closet. When she found out I was ditching her at the homecoming game, she tried to convince me to go. She gave up when she saw I wasn't giving in.

"You could have worn something cheaper, you are not going to a red carpet or an award show."

"I have to look dope in  every photo, when I am a Hollywood sensation I will need to post pictures of my past to prove I have done no plastic surgery and I'm all-natural." I chuckled at her comment.

She was choosy and liked only the best things. And she criticized people's fashion a lot, she crowned herself the queen of fashion.

Hours later, we still had nothing all thanks to her choosy ass. Nothing was good enough for her. I got tired of helping her and I stuck to playing candy crush on my phone.

"I finally found it."

I sighed in relief. Thank the heavens she found the dress.

It was an off-shoulder, rose gold sequin mermaid dress. The first thing that came to my mind when I saw the dress was- too extra. The dress was meant for an elegant party or a red carpet not to be worn to homecoming.
My mother gave me the dress to wear to Lenny's wedding. I refused to wear it, I did not want to overshine the bride on her special day but that was mommy's intention, she disliked Alexa. Mommy wanted to ruin the wedding but her plans failed.

"Hate to rain on your parade but the dress it's a little over the top."
I managed to tell her and went against my original plan of just going with her choice. Classic Mia refused to listen to me and still chose to wear the dress.

"I love this one." She said while admiring her dress. "Now, drive me to my place to get some shoes, I can't wear this dress with sneakers."

Mia was a little taller than me henceforth my shoes were too small to fit her. "Let's go," Mia said as she dragged me out of my closet. Her house wasn't that far from mine, we got there within minutes. She grabbed a pair of black open toe heels.

Despite my refusal to accompany Mia to the homecoming dance, she dragged me with her but on the condition I wouldn't have to endure the torture of watching the game. I was a cheerleader but I hated watching the game. I have never been a fan of football.
The guys on the team were hot, but it was mainly due to steroids.

After the game begun, I was left in the changing rooms all alone.
Jenny did not understand football but she had to watch it because of her new catch; Chris, he was the Captain of the football team. I decided to watch the game out of boredom, I went and sat at the far end of the bleachers. Ten minutes of watching the game was enough for me to get bored.

I texted Mia and informed her I had to go and left the bleachers. I speedwalked to the parking lot, the school was deserted and I was afraid to be walking all alone. While, opening my car I felt somebody walking towards my car, I was terrified and afraid to look back. I tried opening my car door but it did not open. Just then aomebody screamed in my ear.

"Uhhh!" I screamed covering my ears. I slowly turned around praying for it to be somebody I knew and not some creep I didn't know.


Author's note.

(A picture of Mia's dress at the top)

A big thank you to all of those who still my book and take their time to comment and vote, it means the world to me, and thanks to all of the people who still read my book.

I'd like to finish this book by the end of December.

Tell me your thoughts about the book so far, what you like about it and also what you don't like and your thoughts on how I can make it better.

Question of the day: One direction or Bts?

Although one direction broke up they will forever be my best boy band. I mean who wouldn't like five attractive and handsome boys who all have British accents and also sing well.

Don't forget to vote and comment if you liked the chapter, it will mean a lot to me.


Clanty x.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2021 ⏰

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