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Happy reading lovies!!! 😗💖❤

I spend the whole Saturday evening trying to convince my mother to give me back my car and credit cards.After a lot of arguing she ended up giving me the car and one credit card, that was better than having to hitch a ride everyday.

Sunday morning went well and nanny Carlotta came to the orphanage with me. Everything went well with no drama.

I was currently driving to Milton's house. After a lot of thinking I decided to just go and see if he was fine.I wasn't sure if I was actually going to talk to him but if I got cold feet I could just ask Jake if he was fine because they are all neighbours.

I pulled up at Milton's after driving for some minutes. I unbuckled my seatbelt and got out. Not wasting more time, I knocked on the door before I could back out. I patiently waited for somebody to open the door.

After what seemed like forever somebody finally opened the door. It was Khloe,his little sister. I was half relieved and half disappointed.

"I haven't seen you in a long time, Ivanna. " She said with a wide grin on her cute little face. I bend down and gave her a quick hug.I last saw her like a month ago, that was in summer.

"Is Milton home?"

"No, he is at Jake's right now but you can come in and wait for him. " She said frantically as she pulled me inside the house. "I think I'll pass on that,I will just meet him tomorrow."I answered.

I missed spending time with her but I did not want Milton to come back and find me here. It would be all kinds of weird with his family there and the tension between us.

I bid her goodbye and started heading to my car. "Are you sure? He is just next door I can call him for you. " Khloe called out.

"Yeah, " I called, "I'm pretty sure."

I waved at her one last time before I got in my car and drove home.


The weekend was over and I was back to boring school, only six to seven months to go say goodbye to high school.

I shoved the books that I did not need for my first period in my locker. "Look what the devil dragged in. "Leo said behind me.

Somebody just had to ruin my morning. "This is my locker so you're gonna find me here airhead." I replied turning to face him. He did not have to walk over and talk to me if he was just going to be rude. He could have walked past me like a normal person.

"I saw you yesterday at Milton's. "

"And.. "

"I thought you broke up with him and you aren't going to talk to him. "He explained.

"You thought wrong, "I sighed, "and when did you become a who a spy? " I asked.

I lied, I had already broken up with Milton but I wanted us to get back together.That would only happen when Milton made the effort to apologize and make me believe he was truly sorry. Right now I was just getting sorrys that meant nothing with no sort of explanation.

I know it was by mere coincidence he happen to see me at Milton's  house. It's not like he was peeping through his windows to see who visits his neighbours.

"Are you mad at me for something? " He questioned.

"I'm sorry for the incident with Lauren's friend. " He added, the apology seemed sincere. He had apologized so many times through the texts he kept on sending me and I replied to none.

"I'm not mad at you." I told him as I turned and closed my locker. "Can I go now?" I asked.

"If it's about the fight with Milton we already cleared everything out and I also apologized for the faking my arm injury. "

"Your fight is your fight. "I was so done with this talk, I wasn't mad at him I just wanted to stay away from him. I started walking away more like I tried walking away.
"let go of my hand. " I growled.

"You're just going to forgive him so easily. He cheated on you. " Milton is his friend he should be happy for him not try to talk me out of forgiving him.

"Like you are the saint."I rolled my eyes.

"What? "

"Ugh,, you cheated I broke up with you started dating Milton who also cheated and the cycle will continue." Leo's eyes widened he probably thought I did not know he cheated.

"You know I cheated on you? "He asked bemused.

" You do the math. "I answered and walked away this time in a much faster pace.

"Ivanna, " Jenny called out to me, as she ran to catch up with me. She slung her hand over my shoulder as she hip-bumped me.

"So, " She hip-bumped me again, "it's homecoming week and we are planning it. " She said over enthusiastic.

"Hold up, I never agreed to be apart of the homecoming committee. "

"I agreed on your behalf, so after school the the committee is meeting up at my house and you should be there. " She said and she ran to class before I could object.

How can she expect me to miss cheer leading practice when it's homecoming week.

Thanks for reading the chapter. I hope you liked the chapter. Why do you think Leo is so mad that Ivanna wants to forgive Milton??

I really appreciate the comments y'all write and also the votes. It really motivates me to update. Thanks.

Question of the day:What's your favourite music group?

Panic at the disco. Like who doesn't like Brendon Urie from panic at the disco.I also love little mix, twenty one pilots, fifth Harmony and the wanted. One direction was my favourite group for ages but they broke up 😭😭😭.

Not a k-pop fan but I love the song by Black pink and Selena Gomez, Ice cream.

Don't forget to vote and comment if you liked the chapter.


Clanty x.

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