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Happy reading lovelies!! 😗💖❤

Homecoming was just a day away and I had no plans of going.
I would have probably gone if I was still in a relationship. Milton had been texting me asking me to go to homecoming with him and I didn't bother to reply.

I saw Leo coming towards my locker and I thought of hiding but I remembered I promised him I wouldn't avoid him anymore so I just had to listen to whatever crap he was going to talk about.

"Wanna go to homecoming with me? " He asked when he got to my locker. That's the last thing I would ever do and it's not because he is unattractive or anything, we are just platonic.

"I thought you were going with your girlfriend," I said not looking at him.

"What girlfriend? " He asked while leaning on the locker next to mine. I was sure he had a girlfriend. I didn't understand why he was acting as if she never existed.

"Ugh, I think her name is Kelly." I knew her very well but I did not want Leo to know that I knew her. I had to know her she was the girl he was hooking up with and months later after our break up he introduced her to everybody as his girlfriend. The one to be precise, he was madly in love with her.

"We broke up last year. "I noticed he was a little sad when he answered me. Was I under her rock, how didn't I know they broke up? I did achieve my goal to ignore him.

"But she was the one? " I put air quotes on 'the one.'

"Why did you break up? Did you cheat on her?"

I closed my locker and I started walking to my geography class alongside Leo. "I did not cheat on her. " He sighed. "We broke up because of our differences. "

"And wipe that idea of I am a cheat of your brain."

"Old habits die hard."

"Hooking up with that girl was a mistake and people change. " He said as he placed his hand on my shoulder. That's not something I believe in, people don't just change who they are overnight.

"People don't change they just come better at hiding who they are. Let's assume hooking up with Kelly was a mistake, what about falling in love with her? " I inquired while I removed his hand off my shoulder.

"And I'm not going to the dance with you," I told him as I got into the class, he was in the same class but I wasn't going to chat with him any longer. I took the seat next to Mia.

When lunchtime came, I followed my friends to the cafeteria and we took our usual table. Jenny sat next to me and Mia took a seat across us. She was on a diet and she stuck to eating only an apple.

The school's food was terrible and I don't think anybody ever ate it. Jenny and I ate sandwiches every day at lunch. "Who are you going to homecoming with? Mia asked me. It was obvious I wasn't going to the dance with anybody.

" Nobody. "I replied.

" The question should be addressed to you," Jenny said.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm going with Hayden."

"When did he ask you and why didn't we know of it? " Jenny asked as she nudged her shoulder. Normally, Mia talks about every person who she goes out with her.

"It slipped my mind. " Mia said as she took a bite of her apple. "It seems I'll be the only single person there. " Jenny whined. I pat her shoulder with an apologetic look. Jenny not having someone to go to homecoming with her was a foreign ground to Mia and me.

"Ivanna doesn't lie to us, I saw you with Leo in the morning, I'm sure you are going with him. " Mia said. She most definitely had the wrong idea.

Before I could answer her, some guy from the football team came to our table holding a lot of candies stacked together like flowers, and there as a card on top of them. All eyes were on our table, the guy was really popular and good looking.

He went on one knee and gave the candies to Jenny. He was so sweet. The card said, "be a smartie and take this dum dum to homecoming, Chris. "

"I'll go with you. " Jenny squealed and I giggled next to her. They engaged in small talk for minutes and after that he said goodbye to us. Jenny stared at the candies for a while and a smile formed on her face.

"Not to rain on your parade but for the record, I don't like him, the same way I don't like Milton and Leo. " Mia uttered and stared at me when she said the last part.
"You dislike everybody. " I told her.

My phone buzzed and I fished out of my bag only to find a message from the persistent Milton.

Homecoming 20:20_and God said, "Go with Milton."_Milton.

I looked over at his table and he smiled at me. Ignoring him is the best thing to do. My phone buzzed again after seconds, he just never knows when to stop. I wanted to forget him but he wouldn't give me the space to forget him.

Will you round the bases to homecoming with me? _Milton.

"Who's texting you?" Mia asked, she was probably annoyed with my phone buzzing constantly.

"It's no one," I answered and switched my phone off.

The rest of the school day continued with him constantly texting me and I ignored him completely, I didn't even reply to one text.

I did not go to cheer practice and I had nothing else to do so I got home pretty early. "Ivanna, these flowers were delivered for you. " Mary said as soon as I got in the living room. Seriously, who even wants or sends flowers. Why buy things which will dry out?

"From who? " I asked while throwing my bag to the floor and sitting on the couch. "They came with this card." She gave me the flowers and the card and she sat on the opposite couch from mine and continued watching her show.

"Fifteen red roses for the fifteen years I should've been with you.
Two white roses for the two years I did~Milton." I rolled my eyes after reading the card. Did he think he can persuade me with flowers, if he did he has something else coming for him?

I just put them back at the table without the card, I was going to throw the card in the trash. I picked up my bag and began walking to my room. "What do I do with the flowers? " Mary called out.

"Throw them or keep them, I don't care," I said. I tore the card and put the papers in the trash can before I went to my room.


Thanks for reading the chapter it means a lot to me and I appreciate it a lot. I hope you liked the chapter.

Do you think Leo loved Kelly? And who do you think Ivanna will take as her date to homecoming?

Question of the day: Are you a Nick person or a Disney person??


Don't forget to vote and comment if you liked the chapter.


Clanty x.

Venomous loveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora