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"So what did you guys talk about?" I asked Vanessa, it was early the next morning and I was getting ready to leave for school. She had a pot of coffee on, and she was smiling from ear to ear.

"He told me, how sorry he was and that his therapist was really helping him. He seems more and more like the sweet kid I raised everyday."

I bit my lip.

Here was the age old question plaguing me once again. Should I tell someone what happened or keep it to myself? I glanced at Vanessa who was practically floating around the kitchen. She was finally so happy and her relationship with Blake was finally starting to change—for the better.

I couldn't take that from him...I couldn't take that from either of them.

"That's uhm...really good Vanessa."

"Well...how was it for you?" Vanessa asked.

"How was what?"

"Seeing Blake again for the first time?" She continued.

I sighed, then sipped from the cup of coffee she handed me. The bitter taste took over in my mouth completely, nearly making me gag, so I put down the cup almost as quickly as I grabbed it. Just one sip of the bitter brew  reminded me why I hated drinking coffee—it was disgusting, and it never even gave me energy like it was supposed to...

it just made me have to use the restroom...every time.


"Huh?" I glanced up and she was looking at me expectantly, snapping me from my coffee thoughts. "Oh. It was fine."

She tilted her head to the side like she was expecting more.

I sighed then continued.

"I mean it was strange. When I saw him, my mind just instantly went back to that awful night. It kind of made me not want to ever see him again." I swallowed. "Is that wrong?"

"Oh, of course not sweetie. I mean he's my own flesh and blood and it was hard allowing him to even come into my home. I could only imagine how you'd feel considering everything he put you through."

"Yeah, I mean I'm totally fine with you guys reconciling your relationship...but...if you don't mind, it would make me feel a lot safer if he wasn't just hanging around here when I am."

She nodded her head, then place her small, soft hand over my own. "Of course sweetie, I would not expect the two of you to even be in the same room right now. If I do see him from now on, I'll make sure it won't be here. And I'll make sure his father understands that too."

"Alright, well I have to go. I'm sure Yasmine is outside ready to take me to school by now."

She smiled at me, nodded, then said:

"Okay sweetie, have a good day."

I smiled back, waved, then exited the house. As expected Yasmines deep forest green Jeep was sitting outside the house, seemingly appearing like it had just gotten washed or something. I inwardly sighed.

I wished I had my own car, to wash...and drive around.

About three months ago, I got my license and now all I was missing was a car to test it out with.

I guess that's just another thing I had to add on my  to do list. The first thing of course would be to completely get over Blake—who I was starting to think about more and more.

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