[C] #3 - GRASPS

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Can you still remember the scenes in your classroom where in all the requirements must be passed immediately? All requirements are unison and you can feel pressure and stress on your mind and soul? How about the stress that you experienced when with your friends? The misunderstandings and conflicts that you had. Family? It added the stress that you are reigning? Financial problems, comparisons and big problems ahead. Still on your mind?

Academically, you're stress.

No! Not only in academics but in everything rather. You're stress and all over the place. You don't know what to do. You just be sitting in a corner and the problems are embracing you tightly and you can't get out on its arms.

You are crying for no specific reason, maybe the hassle feeling inside your heart got stucked and can't go out.

You're also having breakdowns at night, overthinking what's happening to you. Why are you sad? Why I can't feel the happiness that I supposed to feel? Why I can't take a break for a while? Why is these things happening to you? This is the time that you are questioning yourself and I can say that it's really heart-breaking, just crying silently at night because of the problems that you are feelin'

And this is the worse than a break-up. You can't understand what's going on to yourself.


A/N: Thank you for reading! Don't forget to click the "STAR BUTTON" below. Drop your reactions, comments and even suggestions in the comment box below. Thank you again! Lovelots.

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