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You woke up 2 o'clock in the morning. It's breezy outside and apparently cold. Something caused you to wake up at this hour.

Let's get this straight.

You can't stand the heaviness in your chest. It is hunting you again and it tells you to discuss it and make a reflection about it. It can't get out just because it really hurts you after that incident.

Yes, you're sad. After you regained your consciousness you sat down at your cozy sofa and tried to think, Why? Why, yourself is sad at in this hour huh?

And you know what? It really hurts you whenever you remember it again eventhough it happened two weeks ago. You feel pity for yourself because you didn't deserve that pain that get stucked into you until now.

Every night before going to sleep, you are thinking what's wrong with you. You're thinking why the world is so unfair to you. Why they couldn't grant what you really want to? Why you can't feel the happiness that you deserve to feel?

You have many 'whys' lurking on your mind and it adds the sad night that you are being through.

Depressing things also came across to your mind. You're always saying that "You're okay" where to the fact that you are really not.

Let's just say, You're a great pretender when it comes to my problems. You are great in hiding your rants and emotions. But as yourself wants to say: you really don't know what to do. You're just faking your actions for the people to believe that you are okay.

You released a heavy sigh — a sign that you are tired and had enough to things happened to you. Then suddenly, your phone vibrates.

A message just popped up from your mother.

It says:

I knew you're tired and you are feeling sad tonight. I wish that I'm here at your side hugging you and telling you some lifting words. Just go to sleep now, trust me it can't lessen the heaviness that you are feelin' when you wake up again. Iloveyou always take care. - Mom

Somehow, it relieves you. Yeah, you need to go to bed and sleep now. Maybe, by that, it can ease your worries, doubts and sadness that you are enduring.

A/N: Thank you for reading! Don't forget to click the "STAR BUTTON" below. Drop your reactions, comments and even suggestions in the comment box below. Thank you again! Lovelots.

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