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If you're feelin' betrayed from your friends or to those people who you love then get used to it. It's normal when a true snake reveal its skin.

No, I'm not degrading you down or putting you in a downfall it's just, can let's face it?

Betrayals, a BIG BIG WORD. especially to the field of everything is existed. When you gave them your trust, and somethings offs. You would be hurt for sure. They can betray you in just a blink of an eye.

Not all people around us is true and pure to us. No matter what good doings you do they will find a way to lure you out, to destroy your picture. They'll find a hole on every situation you did.

To divert this horrible topic. Still, I want you to be thankful because there are people who had accepted you despite your flaws and imperfections. You are still lucky that you have such people like that. Treasure them, hug them and say  gratitude words to them because no one can tell if they will be with you until your last fight or they can stay to you until the darkness is over.

A/N: Thank you for reading! Don't forget to click the "STAR BUTTON" below. Drop your reactions, comments and even suggestions in the comment box below. Thank you again! Lovelots.

BLOGS AND CONFESSIONSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora