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"I'm on my way Kath, Kindly wait for me." That was the last message sent by my bestfriend, Daniel.

I have a bestfriend named Daniel. I'm a girl and ofcourse he's a boy. We met each other last six years ago at our very own school. It is our school festival that time. And how can I forgot that I cried that time because my crush rejected me? Funny right? But yeah, it's true.

All the people are having their cherish moment and enjoying the fun school festival while me? I'm at the corner sobbing and enduring my crush's words. It's so painful you know. I even mustered all my courage to confess yet I'd been rejected.

That's when Daniel came and talk to me. Honestly, I really don't know him. He is just a stranger to me to be specific. He seated beside me and offer me a handkerchief so I can wipe my tears off. He also asked me why I am crying, at first I was doubting if I will say my problem but in the end I told it to him.

Ever since that day happened, it started our friendship. Unexpected friendship if you ask me.

Here's a fun fact: some of our schoolmates said that we're like a couple. We always hear them murmuring that we are in a relationship which is not true. And we don't get tired of saying: "We're just friends. Bestfriends rather"

Ofcourse, we have been through some misunderstandings and we have conflict. (Wow, parang magjowa lang talaga no? LQ?). Thankfully, we always tell to ourselves "Bati na tayo, please?" It's either him will say that or me but he's more frequently making an apologetic move. Hahaha.

Our friendship was tested by time and we can say that we're strong and tough individuals. We're always facing it with a smile on our faces and we do have a positive mindset.

And now, he's on the way to my house to help me with my unfinished projects. We are helping each other especially in school works since we're on the same grade level. Did you know that he was the cream of the crop of their class? Yeah yeah. I thought he is just a simple boy but wow, he is an extra-ordinary one.

While waiting, suddenly my phone rang. I thought it was him but an unregistred number is flashed on the screen. I don't usually answer calls especially to a person that I don't know. But my gut-feeling says: Answer it Kath!

"Hello?" I said. Yes, I picked it up.

"Avoid Daniel, you'll be in danger if you'll get near to him" The caller said on the other line. It was a female voice I can't be wrong. And you know what? It gives me the nervousness and the chill vibes. I think I heard her voice before but I couldn't pinpoint who she was.

"Sorry, but I think you called a wrong person" I said with fear. After that, I hung up. What is she talking about? Is she pulling a prank on me? Well, I'm not buying it.

After another minute, my phone vibrates and it is the mysterious caller again. I ignored the call but it keeps ringing and ringing.

"Hey, if you're joking please stop it! It's not funny." I screamed on the phone call. She's terrifying me.

"Listen to me, Daniel is a magnet of tragedies ok? I'm helping you out. You need to avoid him because if you don't, you might get into trouble" My heart immeadiately pumps fast. I don't know. I knew Daniel and he is not like that. He won't allow himself to be a cause of danger. I know, he will not do that.

Yes. This caller is insane. She is just making a story.

"Stop, Okay? Please get a life!" I shouted again then I hung up again.

Pathetic girl.

If she's interested to my bestfriend can she exclude me on her list? I'm not romantically attracted to him. He knows that and I know that the feeling is mutual. We're just bestfriends.

After that phone call, the caller didn't call me again, maybe she got offended on my last words or maybe she realized to stop her funny prank or maybe I was harsh to her because I shouted at her. Well, that's good. She won't bother me anymore.

She thinks I might be fallen for her prank? But sorrt for her I do not love pranks.

Minutes passed, I heard Daniel's voice outside of our house. I looked at the window and there he is waving his hand and smiling widely.

"Wait!" I shouted to him at the window. Previously, on our last call before he decided to come here he insisted to buy some snacks and beverages to cool ourselves. Well, it's okay for me so I said yes.

When my feet walked outside, I felt like something might happen. The aura became heavy. I stopped for a moment if I'm just imagining things and maybe I am.

I disregard that thought and proceed to the gate. Daniel is standing one meter-away from me, smiling. But to my surprise a 6-wheeler truck greeted me when I started to walk to my bestfriend.

I think my body damaged a lot. In a result, I was like a bowling ball rolling fast on the street.

"KATH!!!" I heard my bestfriend's voice. She rushed to my side and shouted for help but my sight is starting to blur.

He is crying. He is holding my hand. His presense told me that I'm done. He keeps shouting for help but no one is hearing him.

"HELP! HELP US!!!" He shouted.

"I told you Kath! I told you to stay away from me but you didn't listen!" He said with his tears racing.

He's right. He told me once that he might bring trouble to my life but I just laughed at him and ignored what he said.

Now, my life was crossed out.

"It's a matter of life and friendship, Daniel." I whispered and I hope he heard that. "And I chose to be with you." My last words seems weak about the delivery but it has a lot of emotions.

And then suddenly, the world turns black.


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