[C] #6 - LEARN TO SAY 'NO'

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Being a samaritan is not totally bad at all I must say. If you love helping people, it's definitely okay! If your heart urge you to do something like a favor from a friend, you can do that.


Not all the times people who you requested nor give you a favor can always be given. I mean, you can yes all the time. Don't get abused by their flowery words nor sugar-coated actions.

"Once is enough, two is too much and three is dangerous." Our teacher said when he is saying some words of wisdom in our class.

It will not degrade your self-being if you'll say 'no'.

It's not the end of the world if you will give a 'no' to a situation. Saying 'no' doesn't mean that you are selfish and you are lazy, it's being caring and thinking what is the best. A favor can be entertained but please, not all the time. Take precautions on how you will handle situations like that. Think for the best and the for the better.

A friend who will not accept "no's" from you is not your true friend at all because a true friend can accept and will understand your precious 'no'.

A/N: Thank you for reading! Don't forget to click the "STAR BUTTON" below. Drop your reactions, comments and even suggestions in the comment box below. Thank you again! Lovelots.

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