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When life became tougher and tougher you have to stand on your own and be strong as much as possible.

Life turned me around and now I'm standing infront of the church holding a camera to capture every moment that will be happening later on especially to the two special person today: The Groom and The Bride.

I can't believe that I'm here invited to a wedding. A wedding that was supposed to happen to me and my future wife. I'm smiling, because finally after a long time, I'll be the photographer of my ex-girlfriend Kiana to her wedding.

She promised me...

"I'll love you until my last breath Nathan" I can still remember Kiana, uttering that line to me at our bed. She promised me to live with me. She promised me to be engaged no matter what happened.

But I guess promises are meant to be broken. LITERALLY.

As I strode off the red carpet and being ready because the wedding will be starting soon. Tears starts to shed on my eyes.

I should be the one marrying Kiana. I should be the one will give promises and our love will be crossed in the eye of the God. I should be the one who is saying "I do.".

"You ready Nathan?" Bethilda, wrapped her arm to mine. Bethilda is Kiana's bestfriend and she know everything about us. She witness how Me and Kiana loves each other.

"No." I whispered it in the air. I'm not ready totally. The pain is punching me. I can hear my heart saying "Go get Kiana back, Nathan!"

But I can't do that.

Bethilda caressed my back. She can relate to me as of now. She knew what it feels to be broken and besides, I told to you that she knows our lovestory since from the beginning.

The crowd was ready. The groom is at the end of the altar smiling and waiting for Kiana to arrived. The priest is also ready.

The only person who is not yet ready is me. And the worst part of this wedding? I will be the one who will capture their best moment. I must capture their kiss infront of God and it would a game over for me.

Now, the sound started to play and it is the most awaited day for the groom because at last he will marry his dream. A dream come true isn't?

Kiana, on his pretty and snow wedding gown entered the church. She's still pretty and even prettier everyday. She's now heading to his king and crowd was outbreaking quiet.

Unexpectedly, our eyes met. I can see on her eyes the regrets and sadness. She beamed a smile to me. It is a fake smile I can assure.

"Sorry"  She mumbled. I know she would say that. I took my camera and capture her moment. She's pretty.

After she passed to my place, now she's beside to her king. I want to pull her and run away together and start a normal life with her but I keep myself calm. It hurts.

The priest asks the two for their exchange of bows.

"I-I do..." Kiana said to his husband. Once again, I took my camera. They're going to have their kiss and I have to capture that.

As the church filled with compliments and applauses when they lips finally touched. I'm here holding up my tears to fall like a broken dam.

Eventhough, my heart crashed into pieces I managed to a fake smile and clapped my hands towards them. A smile that's full of misery and pain. But I need to do my job and that is to capture every moment of their happy day.

After the wedding, the guests went to the reception area held on their house. I must say, they planned their wedding perfectly.

I want to go home and drink all the alcohols in the world. I want to submerge myself into the alcoholic beverages. Maybe with that, I can move on.

"Nathan, let's go. Kiana and Stein are waiting for you. They want see the pictures that you have stolen" Bethilda, told me to come over to the reception area.

Hays. I have no choice but to obey.

When we arrived to the place, we can hear the gratitude and compliments to the newly weds.

While waiting for the two, I pick up a wine and drink all its content. I need more. I want more.

But just then, a miracle happened...

"Hi Nathan!" Yes. My ex-girlfriend Kiana just talked to me.

I don't know what to say nor what to do. I'm like a statue that froze to its place. Why is she here? Stein may caught us talking and knowing the fact that we have a history that can cause jealousy and hatred.

She sat beside me, still wearing her wedding gown.

"I want to say sorry..." Those words escaped from her mouth... It's full of sincerity. The word "sorry" came from her and it touched my heart.

She must be referring to the thing that she did. She must be. To be honest, I don't know what is reason behind of her exchange of partner. I was like in shock to know that she will be giving her bow not to me, but to another man.

"I-It's okay..." I mumbled. No. It is not okay! Kiana, if you only knew how hurt and how it feels like to be devastated by your own love.

"Sorry Nathan for breaking your heart" She continue talking. I looked her in the eyes and by the time she said that, she was sincere. She was really sorry.

Well, what can I do? They were living partners already and the only thing that I need to do is to accept that.

"You don't understand but my family threaten me. They will kill you if I didn't marry Stein. They proposed an arranged marriage between Me and Stein" I can see on her eyes that she's also holding her tears. I can't help but to pity on her.

So she was blackmailed by her own parents? And yeah, her parents don't agree to our lovestory. They was like the wall constructed between us.

I opened my mouth in disbelief. If that is the reason behind our indirect seperation I want to punch her parents right away!

But she really do loves me? Huh?

"But why didn't you told me?" Despite the pain that I'm feeling, I still shoot her a question.

"Because you would resort to violence and after all, the time is not on my side. They planned the wedding in less amount of time, Nathan." She explained. I want to punch her parents right now and fight for our love but nothing will happen.

She held my hands before speaking again.

"S-sorry again Nathan" Then she walked away leaving me all alone again. She didn't want this in the first place, she was forced by her parents.

But eventhough I knew the whole truth I'm happy for her. Atleast, she found a man who will care and love her no matter what happened.

I open the camera that I'm holding and I saw her smiling together with the man he love(d).

Yes. That was our last picture taken a week ago.


A/N: Thank you for reading! Don't forget to click the "STAR BUTTON" below. Drop your reactions, comments and even suggestions in the comment box below. Thank you again! Lovelots.

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