Chapter 15: Nuvema Reunion

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Robert held up his hand to shield the gaze of the sun that was poking through the clouds. He stood on the edge of the boat, a cold wind rippling his lab coat, which he donned for the occasion. Nuvema Town's quiet harbor was just ahead. A starting town for a lot of up and coming trainers because Professor Juniper lives here and gives out starter Pokemon.

"Wonder if she's got any new jobs for me," he wondered aloud.

A long sipping sound interrupted his thoughts and he looked to see Alex drinking from a can as she leaned against the boat railing. She smirked. "Whoops, don't mind me."

Robert rolled his eyes. "You just gotta ruin my moments."

"It's a gift."

"You do know that's my line."


A sound of an explosion sounded from the back of the ship and smoke trailed upwards into the sky.

Alex rolled her eyes. "I'd better tell them to stop, else they'll sink the boat at this rate."

"Hilbert and Zeno?" Robert guessed.

"Yep," Alex sighed. "Hilbert wanted to see just how strong Arcaneis really is."

"Give him my regards," Robert waved as she left.

He turned back to the view of Nuvema coming closer. He remembered coming here for the first time for the interview that got him a job as Professor Juniper's assistant. 

"Feels like yesterday," He murmured. "I didn't even know if getting the job was the right thing for me to do at the time. Heck, I was just following my instincts. Even now..."


"Sorry we can't tag along," Hilda said cheerfully, shaking Alex's hand, then moving onto Zeno and N. "But we wanted to get to Castelia City as soon as possible after training on the island. There's a couple of neat battle facilities we wanted to revisit."

"If you have the time," Hilbert nodded to the four of them. "You should try on of them. They're good training."

"We might," Zeno nodded. "Hey, Hilbert. Don't be a stranger."

"'Course not," he tipped his hat. "You're one of the strongest trainers I've ever met. No way would I not pass up on a chance to battle you and your Pokemon. You've shown me that I still have much to do if I want to become the Champion one day."

"One day he'll give up on that notion," Hilda commented drily. "There's more to the world than becoming Champion."

"Then why do you continue to train like me!?"

"So I can prove that I'm stronger than you, duh."

Robert watched them leave, bickering like siblings do. He was heavily reminded when he first parted ways with them. They'd stuck with him even after his failure at the Championship, so he was the one who ended up leaving them behind when he got his job and when he was sent to Kalos to do Pokemon research. 

"Which way?" 

Robert blinked as Alex leaned in front of him, waving a hand in front of his face. "What was that?"

Alex rolled her eyes. "Which way to the Professor's lab? Or are we going to stroll around Nuvema until we find it."

Robert smirked. "That ain't a bad idea. However, as much as I would love to show you three around town, I do want to get this data to Juniper pronto. So, follow me gang!"

"Gang?" Zeno asked as he, Alex, and N followed Robert as he led them onto the sidewalk and down a straight road past cozy looking houses. "Since when did we call ourselves a gang?"

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