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Third Person POV:

One hour earlier.

"If Nick Fury thinks he can get his costumed thugs and STRIKE commandos to mop-up his mess, he's sadly mistaken. This failure is unacceptable." Councilman Rockwell said with a huff.

"Well, considering this attack took place one mile from my country's sovereign waters, it's a bit more than that. I move for immediate hearing." Councilman Singh demanded.

"We don't need hearings, we need action. It's this Council's duty to oversee SHIELD." Councilwoman Hawley blubbered, piercing her lips together into a thin line.

"A breach like this raises serious questions." Councilman Yen swallowed thickly.

"Like how the hell did a French pirate manage to hijack a covert SHIELD vessel in broad daylight?" Rockwell asked Alexander Pierce.

"For the record, councilman, he's Algerian. I can draw a map if it'll help." Pierce quipped back.

Councilman Rockwell chuckled sarcastically, "I appreciate your wit, Secretary Pierce. But this Council takes things like international piracy fairly seriously."

Alexander raised his eyebrows, swirling the bourbon in his glass around, "Really? I don't. I don't care about one boat, I care about the fleet. If this Council is going to fall a rancor every time someone pushes us on the playing field, maybe we need someone to oversee us."

"Mr. Secretary, nobody is suggesting..." Councilman Yen was cut off when Pierces assistant walked into the room and whispered something in his ear.

"Excuse me." Pierce said, quickly ending the meeting and the holographic images of the council quickly disappeared.

"I work forty floors away and it takes a hijacking for you to visit?" Pierce chuckled into his glass, licking his lips free of bourbon while looking at Fury.

"A nuclear war would do it too." Fury breathed, both men shaking hands, "Busy in there?"

"Nothing some earmarks can't fix." Pierce smiled forcefully.

"I'm, uh...here to ask a favor. I want you to call for a vote. Project insight has to be delayed." Nick stuffed his hands in his long coat pockets.

"Nick, that's not a favor, that's a subcommittee hearing. A long one." Alexander huffed.

"It could be nothing, probably is nothing. I just need time to make sure it's nothing."

"What if it's something?"

"Then we'll both be damn glad those Helicarriers aren't in the air."

Pierce opened his mouth to say something, gathering his words before replying, "Fine. But you gotta get Iron Man to stop by my niece's birthday party."

"Thank you, sir." Nick shook his hand once more.

"And not just a flyby, he's got to mingle." The secretary chuckled, bidding Fury a goodbye before loosening the collar of his dress shirt, a sour look on his face while he dialed Rumlows number.

"What's up?" Rumlow asked through the speaker.

"We have a small problem. Nick Fury seems to be catching on, wants to do some digging. We can't let that happen, do you understand?"

"I do, sir."

"Good." Alexander cleared his throat, tossing back the rest of his bourbon, "Then send in the assets. I want Nick Fury gone."

Current time.

"Get suited up. We're sending you both out. Your target is Nicholas J Fury. The director of S.H.I.E.L.D. We need him dead, understand?" Rumlow looked between Raven and Winter, both of them tired and weak looking but still holding the strong demeanor.

"Да (yes)." Raven and Barnes both said at the same time.

"Hail Hydra." Rumlow smirked.

"Слава Гидре (Hail Hydra)."


Revna ran along the rooftops, jumping over gaps and manoeuvring through the obstacles in her way while she followed the direction of Fury's all white SUV.

The streets were in utter chaos as the police chased the "police" who chased Fury. They all smashed into one another, tires squealing against the pavement as people either filmed the action in their phones, or stood stunned on the sidewalk.

The white SUV was badly damaged from all the hits it was taking. It was like an off-road version of go carts.

Revna stopped on one of the rooftops, finally in line with Fury's car while she made quick work of assembling the sniper rifle strapped to her back. Looking through the scope, she seen the mercenaries use a battering ram against the bullet proof window.

"Target locked." Revna said into the com line.

"Take the shot." Rumlow instructed. Her finger lightly pressed the trigger before she dropped down onto her stomach when a mini gun shot through the window. Bullets started flying everywhere, and buy the time she stood back up, Fury was squealing his tires in the other direction.

"He's headed towards you, Winter." Revna said into her wrist com, taking off in a full sprint through the rooftops once more.

17th Avenue, directly ahead the Winter Soldier stalked out from around the building, pointing a bomb at Fury's car. The bomb latched itself under the car before it exploded, tipping the SUV onto its back.

Barnes stalked towards the car, Revna making her way towards the scene. The Winter Soldier ripped off the door with his metal arm, a nasty screeching sound of torn metal was heard.

"fuck!" Revna hissed lowly, staring at the burning hole in the road.

Revna's POV:

I looked down at the address that was sent to us and then looked back towards the building. This was the place. After the director escaped, Hydra hacked through the firewall of his car's security system and found an address he was most likely to go to. It was an old apartment building with the brick a faded color of what it used to be. This must be his secure location.

Barns and I climbed up the side of the building using the rusted out ladder on the back, going floor to floor until we located our target.

"There he is." Barnes mumbled under his breath, making sure to keep quiet. I pulled out the gun, set with a cone silencer and handed it to him. Slowly he raised the gun before popping off three bullets into the directors chest.

The other man in the room looked towards the window with a surprised and shocked look on his face while Barnes and I leapt onto the roof next to us, beginning to run.

My ears perked back when I heard heavy and relentless footsteps behind us, noticing how fast he was catching up.

Third Person POV:

"Go! I'll slow him down!" Revna yelled towards Barnes, tackling Steve to the ground. Both of them rolled around, throwing punches at the other. Steve hit her in the face with his shield, pulling back and then punching her in the nose.

Revna wiped the blood from under her nose and ducked under another swing, punching Steve in the gut and then slamming his face down against her knee. Revna went to throw another punch, Steve catching her fist but straining against the force the woman had while his knees shook slightly.

The raven haired woman's breath hitched in her throat when she noticed the blonde hair, the beefy muscles and the striking baby blue eyes. This man looked familiar to her and she couldn't understand why. She had seen him before, but where? Where had she seen him?! WHERE?!

Revna yelled, headbutting the man hard in the head and running off to catch up to the Winter Soldier. Steve reached out and grabbed her ankle, twisting it quickly and the bone snapped. Revna cried out in pain as Steve ran off, throwing his shield towards the Winter Soldier, but Barnes quickly caught it with his metal arm and threw it right back at him.

Steve caught his shield with a grunt, looking back to see that both Revna and the soldier were gone.

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