Advertising myself

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I'm advertising myself because I saw another writer advertise one of their stories in between other stories and I was like yh why not?

I'm advertising myself because I saw another writer advertise one of their stories in between other stories and I was like yh why not?

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I've almost finished publishing chapters for this story but I really hope y'all start reading this.

It's about 14 year old Damian Eastwood. Trained to be a werewolf hunter since he was young but now his parents have been killed and he's been placed in foster care in a city full of werewolves.

Here's an extract:

All I can see are blue eyes. Everywhere. Blue eyes.
All I can hear is howling. None stop howling.
It's torturous. My surroundings change. I'm suddenly at my parents graves but the writing was ravaged out by werewolf claws.
I feel a hand on my shoulder as I'm spun around, once again I'm seeing blue eyes, this time they belonged to Heather, however there was something demonic about them, "Kill me Damian, it's time to kill the big bad wolf."
I can hear my parents chanting "Who's afraid of the big bad wolf?" As a banshee like voice screeches out of Heather's mouth screaming "Kill me Damian!"
"No!" I say.
I hear my own voice say "not gonna waste all that training, am I?"
Father appears in front of me "It's what you were born to do Damian. Kill her."
"Make Mommy proud," Mom encourages me as she appears in Father's place.
"No!" I insist. "She hasn't done anything wrong!"
"She's a werewolf, she was born wrong," Father argues as the image shifts to him again.
"She killed us," Mom says sadly now standing next to Father "Why haven't you avenged us Damian?"
"It wasn't her," I cry out to closed ears.
"Kill me hunter," Heather says sweetly as I'm spun around to face her again, "It's your destiny. Kill the puppy. Kill me!"
I try my best to block out the echoey voices but they overwhelm me.
"Kill her!"
"Make me proud!"
"Kill me!"

I hope that excites you. Please check it out on my profile!

Also imma advertise my girl MizuChanBoii
Because I wanted to

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