Chapter 24

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Pegasus Pov

Getting off the train was easy enough, the Slytherin and Luna shielded me from any harassment. I was planning on using the cloak but Draco said he didn't want to look like a madman if we spoke to each other whilst I am under it. However, arriving in the Great Hall was the challenge; everyone is on the lookout for Hermione/Pegasus Granger/Black.

We arrive in the Great Hall and everyone goes to sit down at their allocated tables but Draco shoves me behind a pillar and says "Put the cloak on now!" I nod then unwrap it from my arm and swing it around myself. "If you don't want to be harassed come sit at the Slytherin table!"

"Oh I can imagine that article 'Gryffindor Princess, newly outed Daughter of the House of Black, abandons Gryffindor to sit amongst her fellow Purebloods.'"

"Either that or every single male student in the school trying to court you to gain the Black inheritance."

"They wouldn't," I say.

"Ask Daphne," he says shaking his head. "Every other day!" I don't believe him but I follow him to the Slytherin table anyway.

When I sit down I take off the cloak and place it on my lap. "There she is!" someone yells.

Everyone turns to me, I lower my head. Draco nods at the Slytherin and they all stand up (every single one of them).

"I know you all want to talk to my sister," Draco announces loudly. "But if any of you get within six metres of her, we Slytherin are going to make your lives hell!"

The Slytherin sit down and everyone turns back to there meals. Headmistress Mcgonagall arrives at her podium. "Thank you, Mr Malfoy, for that announcement," she begins. Draco smirks then stands up again and bows. Mcgonagall continues"Now we know if any harm comes to a student who got too close to Miss Gran...Black, the culprit is someone from Slytherin house."

At least the Headmistress answered half of their questions, I think to myself.

She continues her speech and then I look over to the Gryffindor table. Ginny is chatting with Neville and Harry is talking with some first years. Ron however, is staring directly at me, eyes filled with hate.

Draco turns to me the follows my eyes to see what I'm looking at then frowns "Hey, ignore the weasel," he says. "I'll set the first years on him. You're a big girl Peggy, don't let him bother you."

I turn to him and punch his arm, "Ow!" he exclaims. "What was that for?"

"You're a big boy Drakie don't let it bother you," I reply, smirking. The students nearest to us start laughing quietly as Mcgonagall's speech ends and food appears at the table. "And that was for threatening the other students. You're the Headboy Draco, you can't do that!"

"It's too late now," he shrugs as he cuts up a bit of steak with his knife and fork. I look over at Ronald as he viciously takes a bit out of a large chicken leg with ten more pieces on his plate. "I don't know how you survived 7 years with him," Draco tuts. "He eats like a barbarian. I used to see you lot eating and presumed that's how all the Weasleys ate then the twins kidnapped me and took me to a muggle diner to tell me about the proposition to hire me and realised the twins eat like humans."

I laugh, "When exactly did the kidnapping to take place?"

"The night of the first Hogsmeade weekend."

"And why did you never tell me?"

"I wanted it to be a surprise," he shrugs. "You certainly were but I had this big show planned out. The twins would kick everyone out of the shop except the Golden trio and the Weaselette, then Fred and George would do their twin thing and announces their new partner in crime and I'd apparate in front of you all as they say my name then Potter and Weaselette would start calling the twins crazy, Weasel would try to kill me and you'd be standing with your jaw dropped staring at me in shock. Then I'd smirk and say 'Surprise!'. The twins ruined it!"

I laugh, "You really are crazy, Draco."

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" 

I reach up a bit then ruffle his cloudy white hair "A good thing, I'm glad you're my little brother."

"I'm taller than you so you can't call me 'little'," he replies haughtily.

"Okay," I chuckle. "I'm glad you're my younger brother."                                                                                                                                            

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