2 | A Reputation of Sorts

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" It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it

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" It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it."

- Benjamin Franklin

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Maybe it was the way her eyes moved over each and every bit of living life form in the room, but she was sure the man behind the bar had taken quite a few steps back as to avoid another embarrassing altercation on his own account. 

Approaching the bar, Natia slid the empty glass cup across the surface towards the bartender, tossing a few coins of Reichmarks towards him in the process, before turning and moving out towards the crowded ballroom again. 

As Natia passed by the velvet cloth, clad staircase, her gate slowed and she cast a chilled glance up towards the length of the highrise. A man stood in the center, dressed in his SS uniform, gaze emotionless as it slowly looked down upon the guests. 

Nikolaus Barbie - Klaus if you will - on leave from Lyon, France where he worked with the Vichy Regime. The cutthroat and absolutely bloody red look in his eyes turned her stomach - Natia herself knew what he had done - to the Jewish, to the Poles, to anyone deemed different by the Nazis - and he was a cruel man. She knew that - many people did - but no one scared her anymore - not even the bloodless gaze that slowly met her own, stopped on the space below, picking her out from the crowd, picking out her deep brown eyes through it all. 

Natia watched his lip twitch up into what was deemed a smirk, and give a slow moving nod to her. Her gaze remained unchanged, cold, distant and emotionless. 

A flirty nod did nothing but add more icy layers to her heart. Natia let her gaze remain unbothered and slowly moved it from him before moving on; he was worth no time of her own. 

Find Ryzshard. 

That was the only other impending thought on her mind other than having a few drinks - to make it look less suspicious than it already was. 

Natia slowly stepped forward and willingly took a glance around, surveying the room in front of her trying to find her brother. 

Dark hair, signature smirk, that poignant look in his eyes which were exactly like Natia's, possibly a hair or two out of place - his youthful nature. And a Nazi uniform that he had threatened too many times to chuck out the window and drunkly dance on. It took every bit of will power for Natia to not agree - they needed it for their duty. 

Natia spotted Ryzshard right away - she knew her baby brother in practically any given scenario. She would just get a sense of him, an odd feeling that trickled into her system whenever one of her siblings were present. 

That had always happened ever since the incident. 

Natia slowly stepped forward, putting on a show of sliding past men and women in Nazi uniforms, or fancy ball gowns who gave Natia a look or two. But Natia just forced a blush on her cheeks, pardoning herself and batting her eyelids. She felt like vomiting, she hated having to act so innocent, she was purely anything but. 

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