CHAPTER 2 "What's the matter with you?"

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CHAPTER 2 – "Whats the matter with you?"

Willow POV.

"You must be joking!" I scream at my parents.

"And why would The Dark Lord possibly want me to go there!"

I'm furious, I can't believe the words that are coming from my parents mouths. The Dark Lord wants me to go Hogwarts. I have never been to school, I've never had friends, I've never been surrounded by Blood Traitors and Mud Bloods, I feel sick.

"There's no discussion Willow, The Dark Lord wants you to keep an eye on the Malfoy boy and also how things are operating around the castle. The boy will need your help with The Cabinet and his family have already caused enough problems." My father stares at me angrily and I know he will snap if I push any further, but I cannot keep my mouth shut.

"Well I am not going, The Dark Lord does not sca-."


Before I can even finish my sentence my body is convulsing on the floor, my skin burning, my head feels like its going to explode, I scream out in pain but my father does not stop he holds his wand firmly towards me as my eyes slowly shut and I pass out from the pain...


I wake up in my bed, its dark, my silk emerald sheets reflect the light of the moon onto my face, hurting my eyes, my head is spinning and my chest is on fire. I slowly sit up, I know I shouldn't have tested my father, but I don't understand why Voldemort wants me to watch the Malfoy boy, does he not trust him? I seethe in anger thinking of being surrounded my Mudblood's and following that wet flannel Malfoy around.

My thoughts are interrupted by my Mother sheepishly opening the door.

"I have brought you some food, you must be hungry."

I glare at her "You just sat there, how can you even look at me?"

My mother looks down at the floor, I know what I just said hurt her feelings but its her job to protect me, even if it is from my Father.

"You shouldn't push him Willow, you know what he's like I –"

"Get out." I quip shutting her off, that was the 3rd time this week my father had used the Cruciatus Curse on me, you would think after all these years I was used to the pain. Every time my mother just sits and watches, sometimes she even does it to me herself and every time she thinks bringing me dinner will make her a good mother and all will be forgotten.

My mother leaves the room slamming my door and I lock it with my wand, trying to fight back tears of anger. How can they be sending me there? I've never had to pretend to get along with people, I don't even think I've ever been around people that share different opinions to me and my family and now I'm going to have to listen to Blood traitors tell me what to do and share a dining hall with Mud Bloods? My skin crawls at the thought but as the Dark Lord requested this of me, its something that cannot be escaped.

I stand on a platform of screaming children and look around with disgust. My Mother pushes my along as I drag my feet. I wear my hair in a high ponytail along with my Black long sleeved jumpsuit with a snake belt that tightens it at the waist. I feel the glares of the Blood Traitors as I strut past them in my heels. They all dress like Muggles, it's quite disturbing. My mother hands me my bag and looks at me nervously.

"Remember keep your Mark covered. Do not let anyone see it, are we clear?" My mother hisses. I roll my eyes at her, does she think I'm stupid? "Yes Mother." I scoff as I walk onto the train heading straight for Slytherin. My parents are friends with Professor Snape, seeing as he is assisting The Dark Lord he made sure I was put in Slytherin so I could keep a close eye on the Malfoy Boy.

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