CHAPTER 10 "Love?"

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CHAPTER 10 "Love?"


I Walk through the cold hallway, my footsteps invading the silence of the castle. Its 5am and I couldn't get back to sleep. I need to clear my mind. I leave the castle and head towards The Black Lake, sitting under a tree I gaze onto the river, the sky is starting to lighten and I know people will be awake soon, the day will begin and there will be no going back.

I think over what I must do, as much as I despise Hogwarts and the Blood Traitors that reside here, this is where I grew up. Professor Dumbledore has always shown me kindness no matter how difficult I tried to make it and now I must kill him. One of the greatest and most loved wizards of them all. Everyone will despise me.

I clench my jaw. I can't fight it, I have to do this or he will kill my family. I need to be strong. My thoughts trail off to Willow, that had been happening a lot lately, she's the perfect distraction, I can't help but smile as I remember last night in the common room. Blaise and Goyle didn't come back last night she frightened the living daylights out of them. Bloody idiots. I laugh to myself. I couldn't have done any of this without her and knowing she'll be there with me later offers me some comfort.

Willow POV.

The sky around the Castle is dark and beats of lightening leave an eery glow. I haven't seen Draco all day, he better not of done a runner or I'll be killed. The halls are full as students make their way back to their common rooms after dinner. I keep my head down as I walk against the flow of people.

"Where are you going?" Hermione says.

Her voice goes right through me, I would give anything to kill her right here.

"Is that really any of your business Granger?" I taunt, glaring at her.

"I was just wondering that's all, you see the castle has fallen rather sinister and with all that is going on at the moment you may be safer in your dorm."

I cant help but furrow my brows at her, why is she of all people concerned about me?

"Like you care." I snap not falling into her trap, she must just be snooping.

"Well I don't actually, but I can't help but feel guilty for what I did to you in charms and I – "

I cut her off, I don't want to listen to this. Do these really people never own what they do?

"Its forgotten Granger, I'll be fine, I can take care of myself."

I give her a small and very fake smile and leave her in the hallway.


I step into the room of requirement, as much as I don't want to see my father I'm excited for Bella's arrival, I need some dark energy around me, I feel like I've gotten to soft over this year. I put my black cloak on and tie a neat silk bow to secure it. I'm sure my father will approve of this outfit; I look like the perfect Death Eater. The vanishing cabinet door swings open and out steps my Father, followed by Bellatrix and a few other Death Eaters, I never cared to get to know their names.

"I suppose that will do." My father grunts walking straight passed me.

I don't even look at him, I have to bite my tongue to refrain from saying something that will end up with me being cursed.

"Don't you look lovely." Bella sings, her high-pitched voice echoing around the room.

"Not so bad yourself Bella. I've missed being around such danger. This place is full of a lot of wimps as you can probably imagine." I laugh.

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