CHAPTER 15 "I love her!"

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CHAPTER 15 "I love her!"

Willow POV.

I awake to the sound of my Fathers owl Chiming outside the window. I look at the time to see its 3am. What's so urgent for him to be contacting me now. Pansy stirs in her sleep and I take the letter to the common room.

"Willow, you are needed at Malfoy Manor. Grab Draco and come here immediately, Snape will be aware of your early departure for the Christmas Holidays."

Malfoy Manor is the last place I want to be. The atmosphere is always tense and although me and Draco have more privacy there, he's happier and safer when he is here. He's been acting different lately, he stands up for himself more and I know going back may change that. I tie my black robe around my waste and head for Draco's Dorm. I sneak into the room careful to not wake the other boys up and I climb into Dracos bed, he turns in his sleep pulling me in close to him he nestles his nose into my hair and breathes in deeply.

"What have I done to deserve this Grayling?" he says sleepily drawing circles on my back.

"We need to leave. Now." I whisper.

He props himself up on his side with one hand holding his dozing head.

"Id much rather just stay in bed with you all day. What do they want anyway? Not got anyone else to do their dirty work?" He says with his eyes closed.

"Come with me." I drag him out of his bed and guide him towards the sofa, the fire glowing slightly, I sit on his lap and wrap us in a huge blanket as I pass him the letter. He scans it quickly and scoffs rolling his eyes.

"Well I spose we better get going then." He says sounding disappointed.

"But first." He says wrapping my legs around his back so I face him.

"This." His lips meet mine. His hand travels up my back and he grabs my hair. He pulls my head back and starts kissing my neck, marking It with his tongue.

"Draco." I let out a small moan.

"We cant in here." I groan.

He flashes a smile and stands up my legs still wrapped round him, turning around he lowers me onto the sofa keeping attached to me. He unties my robe and slides his hand up my leg grabbing my thigh and squeezing it. I want him. I rip his t-shirt off and I tug down the waist of his joggers.

"I thought you said not in here Grayling." He chuckles.

"I've decided it's not the best time for me to start obeying the rules." I breath.

He consumes me and I let out a loud cry. He hushes me and puts his hand firmly over my mouth captivating me with his ocean eyes, his forehead pressed on mine. Nothing else matters apart from him.


We arrive at Malfoy Manor just after 5am, me and Draco rush into the room flustered, Dracos hair was all over the place and I couldn't help but blush when everyone looked at us. Bellatrix lets out a giggle and winks at us both drinking her wine. Luckily, she's the only one that noticed anything was wrong.

"What took you so long!" My father snaps.

"I couldn't find my robe Father, Draco was helping me find it. Turns out it was on the floor all long." I say knowing he wouldn't cotton onto the joke. Draco spits out the water he was drinking, flashing a light shade of pink. Bella cackles as a wide smile appears on her face.

"What did you need us for anyway. Where's Mother." I say changing the subject so Draco can get his normal skin colour back.

"She's dead." My dad says bluntly.

The room starts to spin as Lucius and Narcissa are eyeing me carefully, they look concerned, Bellatrix doesn't even seem to be listening, my heart sinks. Me and my Mother didn't see eye to eye but at the end of the day I loved her. Draco grabs my hand and gives me a comforting look.

"How?" I say my voice cracking.

"How doesn't matter. Its why that matters. Your mother wanted to send you away, she wanted to send you to somewhere safe, you and Draco. Her belief is you are to young to have this life. She went against us. She went against The Lord." My father has a blank face, it's like he doesn't even care, bastard. Narcissa looks at the floor, I know she would've agreed with my mother.

"And who killed her?" I say through gritted teeth, I can feel anger sweltering in my face. Please don't say it, please don't say it. My fist clench by my side as I step towards my fathers smug face.

"I Did." My Father says proudly.

"You vile bastard!" I scream running for him, Draco's wrapped his arms around me and is trying to pull me away. I get out my wand and aim it for my dad.

"Avada Kadavra!" I yell.

I miss him. I am so angry that I missed him, my dad aims his wand at me, pointing at me as I drop to my knees crying. He raises it to the air, spitting in anger, his face red as sweat beads on top of it. The Malfoys look terrified, but Bellatrix lets out her accelerating giggle in the corner.

"Draco." She whispers giving him a nod.

"Expeliamus." Draco knocks my father's wand flying through the air and Bellatrix catches it. She runs over to my father grabbing him by his Grey greasy slick hair and holding his own wand to his neck to refrain him from moving a murky smile cut across her face. Bellatrix always hated my Father.

"Draco, how dare you disarm Mr Grayling." Lucius spits at him.

"I don't care who he is, he was going to kill her." Draco shouts standing up to his dad.

"That is there business son!"

"He was going to Kill his own child Lucius, he killed her mother." Narcissa said nervously holding her husband's arm.

"But what about The Dark Lord?" Lucius voice has started to shake.

"I don't care about the Dark Lord Father. I only care about her. I Love her"

The room falls silent and I can't believe what Draco just said. I turn around and stare at him in shock. He said he loves me, no one has ever said they love me.

"Ah well isn't that lovely, two purebloods. But what do we do with you. I'm sure I can take care of this little Dark Lord problem." Bella breaths moving my Fathers wand across his face. I look at the man who killed my mother, the man who spent years torturing and abusing me, the man who kept me locked in a dungeon until I was 13.

"Do what you want with him. He's not my father."

Bella crackles and raises the wand. "Take Willow upstairs Draco, that's a good boy."

My father didn't even care enough to plea, as soon as me and Draco left the room there was a loud scream and a green flash followed by Bellatrix's famous, deathly cackle.

We walk into Dracos room and he pulls me in close to him, my eyes leak onto his white shirt.

"Draco?" I sob.

"Yes Grayling?"

He forces me to look at him his Blue eyes consumed with worry. My heart thunders in my chest, I know that If I say these words, there's no going back.

"I love you too"

I whisper as tears still travel my face; my voice was shaking as the words glided from my breath. He breathes a say of relief and tightens his hold on me, his head rested on top of mine. I know that this is where I belong. I know that whatever happens now, We're in this together.

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