CHAPTER 19 - "The world is cruel to people with broken souls."

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CHAPTER 19 – "The world is cruel to people with broken souls."


My feet echo through the halls of Hogwarts, the glow of the candle's flickers of the brick walls. The castle feels unsafe now, there's no laughter or light, just overwhelming darkness. The silence is only ever broken by the screams of tortured children. I head towards the black lake hugging my cloak to shield me from the frosty air. The moonlight glistens of the lake and all I can hear is the distant howls of the werewolves. Since Draco left me I've felt empty, we haven't spoken in weeks and it shatters my heart a little every time I see him. After Voldemort tortured me everything was a blur but I awoke in my bed clean and safe, I know Draco had something to do with that, which makes it harder not to love him, but I cannot be the person he wants me to be. I belong to The Dark Lord and as much as Draco doesn't want to admit it. So does he.

Potter and his minions have been destroying the Horcrux's and one lies in this very castle, Voldemort demanded we return to seek this and stop anyone who dare try and stop us. Whatever it takes. I know Draco doesn't want to find it, he wants it destroyed as he will be one step closer to the freedom he's always dreamed of. I cannot let that happen or I will be killed and what purpose do I serve if it isn't to serve The Dark Lord. If The Lord dies they will come for us and I will be thrown in Azkaban to rot.


The girls bathroom is cold and water drips from the walls, its now 3am and I'm doing anything to avoid going to sleep, I cant be anywhere near Draco. I've been leaving the common room before everyone else and getting to my Classes early to avoid seeing him. Thanks to the Carrows seating plan rules I don't have to sit with him anymore, they've sat me next to some freak Ravenclaw girl, Luna Lovegood.

I look into the mirror to see Ginny Weasley standing awkwardly behind me. Her Ginger hair hanging dully towards her shoulders, her face is pale but her eyes aren't looking at my face. Shes looking in the mirror at my arm. I quickly pull my leave down and wash my hands pretending nothing happened. Shit.

"It was you wasn't it." She whispered. I turn around and look at her clutching my wand it my pocket, my eyes burning with rage.

"You, you were the Death Eater at the wedding, the one who smacked me to the floor. Don't lie to me I saw the mark on your arm, how dare you come into this school!" She snaps, stepping towards me with her wand extended, her fingers tremble as she aims it towards my heart. I study her curiously, she wont kill me.

"You didn't see a thing Weasley." I snap, lowering her arm with my hand, I turn to leave the room but before I do, Ginny sparks me with her wand. I fall to the floor hitting my face hard and my nose starts to bleed.

"Why you little bitch!" I shout removing my wand from my pocket, aiming at her whilst I lay on the floor, before I can fire anything, Alecto Carrow runs into the toilets. Ginny drops her wand terrified, her mouth hanging open.

"And whats going on here." Alecto snarls, Ginny is shaking horrendously as her eyes feel with tears, I cant help but feel a little bit sorry for her, she's just a girl, who's been brought up right.

"By the look of Willows face you caused a great deal of harm Weasley, come with me. Willow as for you detention tomorrow for roaming the castle at night." Alecto grabs Ginny's shoulder pulling her towards the door, Ginny's lips turn blue as she stumbles next to her. I cannot let Ginny be punished, as much as I want to smack her pretty little face, she was only doing what she's been taught to do, what she thought was right, just like me.

"Wait" I hiss, Alecto and Ginny both turn to look at me, I can't believe I'm about to do this.

"It was me, I threw the first shot, I missed, Ginny was just defending herself, she was only out of bed because I owled her to meet me, she'd stolen my top and not given it back, I was rather angry you see." I lie, Ginnys face softens with relief, she scans me sceptically. Alecto furrows her brows at me and unlatches her hand from Ginny.

"Very well then Grayling, you, come with me. As for you Miss Weasley go straight back to your dorm, I will see you in detention tomorrow."

Ginny does not hesitate, she runs out of the room and I willingly follow Carrow towards her office, she doesn't scare me, not one bit. We walk through the steel door and Carrow locks it with a loud click. I close my eyes and prepare myself for the pain that will destroy me.



Goyle sleeps in a pool of his own dribble as Slughorn drones on about some pointless potion. No one is listening to his boring twaddle. This is the last class of the day and Willow hasn't been in anyone of them, she must've got her smart mouth in trouble again. She's been up to something, but I can't figure out what, Pansy says she's never in her bed and I haven't seen her in the common room since we returned.

I notice Luna Lovegood keeps turning her head to look at me, every time I catch her she swings around again, what's her problem?

"Like what you see, Lovegood." I joke and she stares at me with a small blush.

"No actually, Mr Malfoy, I just couldn't help but notice Willow is no where to be found. I'm beginning to get a bit worried you see." She looks down at her hands as she twiddles her fingers nervously, her voice has always wound me up.

"Why would I know where she is." I snap, waking Goyle from his slumber, Slughorn carries on teaching ignoring our chatters at the back of the class. Luna looks up from her hands with a confused look on her face.

"Well Mr Malfoy, I see how you look at each other, so I thought you of all people would know where she would be." Luna whispers her eyes wide with wonder. Goyle lets out a laugh and I elbow him in the ribs. I stand up from my chair and lean over the table towards Luna, luckily the class is busy working on their potions and didn't hear what she said. Why does this Ravenclaw care so much about where Grayling is anyway?

"The only look you would see, Lovegood, is disgust, That bitch isn't even my friend. And why do you care so much anyway?" I scrunch my face up at Luna who has tilted her head to the side looking surprised at what I just said.

"She's not very nice to me, but her soul is broken, I can see it in her eyes, the world is very cruel to people with broken souls, as you would know." She turns back round in her seat and starts with her potion. I throw myself back into my chair in a huff, Goyle has a smug grin on his stupid face. My soul is not broken. If only these fuckwits knew what I was capable of, they'd treat me with much more respect.

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