CHAPTER 22 "Dead."

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CHAPTER 22 "Dead."


We walk into the forbidden forest waiting for Potter. Its dark and cold and a sinister mist hangs above the wet ground. I feel terrible about the destruction at Hogwarts, my heart feels broken for the people that have been lost and especially for The Weasley's since they lost Fred. They are the perfect family; one I wish I could've belonged too. Me and Narcissa havnt had the chance to speak to each other since I returned to join them. I know she's worried about Draco, I want to tell her that he's ok but The Dark Lord is wild with rage and any unnecessary talking will send him over the edge.

Nagini squirms around the floor of the forest wrapping around Voldemorts every stride, theres the sounds of sticks breaking in the depths of the forest. I catch my breath, what if it's the order coming to kill us Narcissa takes my hand and gives me a small nod. She can tell that I'm scared and she's the only one of the Death Eaters that I don't care about seeing me vulnerable.

"The Boy who lived." Voldemort sings

"Comes to die."

We watch In silence as Potter emerges from the dark of The Forbidden Forest. I admire him for coming, it takes true bravery to face The Dark Lord alone. Narcissa grips tightens on my hand, I know this is hard for her to watch, she is a mother after all. Voldemort doesn't hesitate as he raises his wand and fires it towards Harry, who is standing surprisingly calm.

"Avada Kadavra." He bellows. Those words never get easier to hear or say. Both Harry and the Lord fall to the ground. Bellatrix scurries to help the Lord up but he angrily pushes her off of him. Me and Narcissa step forwards still holding hands as we walk towards Potter.

"Is he dead."

Me and Narcissa kneel beside Harry. He isn't dead, I can see the rise and fall of his chest and the colour in his cheeks. My head starts to spin, if Potter really is alive Draco was right, he can kill The Dark Lord and we will finally be free. I feel tears form in my eyes, all this time I hadn't trusted in Draco, all this time I blindly followed evil out fear.

"Is he alive? Draco. Is he in the castle?" Narcissa whispers.

Harry nods and we both stand, Narcissa turns to face The Dark Lord.

"Dead." She says bluntly.

Her eyes flicker to me and I nod. Potter could put an end to all of this. I don't blame Narcissa for lying either she only wants to save her son and suddenly Draco becomes the only thing that matters to me. To both of us.

We follow behind The Lord keeping our heads low as daylight rises, Narcissa still hasn't let go of my hand and I can feel her trembling. I squeeze her hand and she looks at me with a small smile.

"Were going to get him back." I whisper. "We will keep him safe." Tears pool in Narcissa's eyes as she nods her head gently. I know that I am going to have to fight against evil, against darkness if I want to be with the boy that I love.


Draco POV.

We spill out into the front of the castle and watch as Voldemort leads the Death Eaters towards us. I spot My Parents and Willow at the front. My Father looks exhausted but he stands tall with my pride, My mother on the other hand stands gripping Willows hand and it looks like they're holding each other up. Willows platinum hair blows in the breeze and her long black dress mirrors its flow, she locks her eyes onto mine and mouths "I love you."

"Harry Potter is dead!" Voldemort squeals as the death eaters join him in cackling laughter, my stomach churns. If Potter is dead, I have no choice but to join them, he will kill me and everyone in this school. Ginny Weasley screams as she runs for Voldemort. She loves Harry and I sympathise with her, I don't know what I'd do if I lost Grayling.

"Silence! Stupid Girl." The Lords spits.

"Harry Potter is dead, from this day forward, you put your faith in me." My heart skips a beat, i cant live like this, under him for the rest of my life.

"Harr Potter is dead!" He repeats once again playing up to the laughing Death Eaters. I look over to Willow and my Mother, they aren't laughing, they are whispering amongst themselves. What are they playing at?

"And now it is time to declare yourself, come forward and join us. Or die."

My lips quiver as I flick my eyes around the other students, I feel like im going to throw up, everyone is looking at me. I want to stay but there is no one here that wants me too. I don't blame them after my years of bullying and my attempt to kill Dumbledore. I just want someone to tell me that I don't have to go, that they will look after me.

"Draco." My father pleads. I don't move.

"Draco, come." My mother cries her words comforting me, I look over at Willow who nods and beckons me over with her hand. "Trust me." She mouths. I force my feet to move towards Voldemort as he reaches out his scaly hand towards me.

"Ah, Well done Draco Well done." He hisses pulling me into a skeletal hug. I cant move, I feel frozen. I swallow and walk towards my Mother she grabs my arm and pushes me behind her and I fall into Willows embrace. She strokes my hair her body is the only thing that is keeping me standing. Elderflower and Sage overwhelms me. She holds her hand out and gives me my wand, she must've taken it from Potter. I sort myself out and stand up tall with my hand around Willows back. She keeps her eyes fixed in front of her "I have a plan." She breathes. I don't say a word I keep my eyes fixed in front too, as Neville Longbottom approaches Voldemort.

"Well I must say I'd hoped for better." Voldemort mocks.

"And who might you be young man."

"Neville Longbottom." The crows of Death Eaters roars into laughter once more and once more my Mother and Willow stay silent.

"Well Neville I'm sure we can find a place for you in our ranking."

"I'd like to say something!" Neville shouts, is he stupid? He stands no chance against Voldemort

"well Neville I'm sure we'd all be fascinated to hear what you have to say."

"Doesn't matter that Harrys gone. People die every day, friends, family. Yeah we lost Harry tonight. He's still with us in here." Neville says pointing to his chest. As soppy as this whole ordeal is I feel bad for him. I feel bad for all of them.

"So's, Fred, Remus, Tonks all of them. They didn't die in vain. But you will, because you're wrong Harrys heart did beat for us, for all of us!"

As Neville wields the sword of Gryffindor, harry jumps from Hagrid's clutch. He's alive? Harry runs towards Voldemort.

"Your wand Draco. He's going to need your wand." Willow shouts.

I take Willows hand as we run from The Death Eaters ignoring the pleas from my father.

"Potter!" I shout as I throw him my wand. Harry catches it and aims for Voldemort. Potter runs around the edge of the courtyard dodging the death curse as Voldemort guns for him, spirting flames around the walls. Me and Willow join the others and prepare to fight.

"You're gonna need this." Ginny shouts as she chucks me a wand from the floor, she gives Willow a reassuring nod as we begin to battle against the Darkness. I can see my Parents fleeing the castle, I feel relieved that I don't have to fight them too. Willow looks at me with her crazy smirk on her face.

"Together." She shouts.

"Together." I reply.

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