Chapter 3 "You're not very well behaved are you Grayling?"

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Chapter 3 "You're not very well behaved are you Grayling?"

Draco POV

Me and willow have been working on the cabinet for a few weeks now, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't, we barely speak to each other but I'm thankful she's there, she knows a bit more about the dark stuff than I do. She has become extremely popular with the Slytherins, but not so much with the teachers, she finds herself in detention nearly every night. Last week she used Slugulus Eructo on Weasley, the twit was coughing up slugs for days, I admired her for that.

"Sorry I'm late." Willow says as she enters the room of requirement flustered.

"Detention again?" I ask raising an eyebrow at her.

"You're not very well behaved are you Grayling?"

"Well Draco, I have never been to a school before, I'm not used to following stupid rules and timetables." She bites.

Draco? Did she really just call me that? I remember the conversation me and my mother had in my room about how her parents treated her, I never did find out the full story.

"Then how did you ever learn magic?" I asked intrusively, thinking she will shut me down.

"My parents taught me only the dark stuff, they wanted me to be raised a Death Eater, even with Voldemort at bay. The other stuff, the stuff that you lot learn here, I taught myself." She says pushing herself to sit on a cabinet.

Her answer surprises me for once is isn't a remark that makes me want to slap her smart mouth she looks slightly nervous, it's the first time I've ever seen her look slightly delicate but I still cant help but ask more questions.

"Did you not have friends? What the hell did you do all day? "I laugh

She looks at me and for a second, I even think I see her eyes glaze over with tears, did I go to far?

"No. "She whispers, I sat in the dungeon and only came out for lessons with my parents, is that enough information for you Draco?" She scorns, shaking any sign of emotion off her face. Draco, there it was again, I suddenly feel a tinge of sympathy for her all she's ever known is evil, maybe that's why she's such a cold-hearted bitch.

Its 4am when we leave the room of requirement, we get into the common room and I turn to look at Willow and see that she is in deep thought, I know I am going to regret what I'm about to ask but her face is making me feel sorry for her.

"Grayling A few of us from Slytherin are going Hogsmeade on Saturday would you like to come?"

She looks at me suspiciously and frowns I prepare myself for her rude and sarcastic answer but instead she surprises me for the second time tonight.

"Sure." She says quietly turning into the girl's dorm.

She smiles sweetly at me, a smile I didn't know she had. She leans into my ear and playfully whispers "Goodnight Draco." I notice her sweet smell of Elderflower and White Sage.

"Goodnight Grayling" I whisper as she struts off into her dorm.


Willow POV

I walk into potions tired from last night, the whole class looks back at me, I'm late again. Slughorn looks up at me and clears his throat.

"Sit down next to Malfoy please Miss Grayling."

I roll my eyes and slump down next to Draco. He looks like shit.

"I Prepared some concoctions this morning, any ideas of what they may be?"

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