CHAPTER NINE - "I think I will always need you."

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CHAPTER NINE – "I think I will always need you."


I pace around my dorm, I feel anxious and I'm angry at myself for letting Draco kiss me. My father doesn't wish me any happiness and even though Draco is Pureblood my father would never allow it. Shut up willow, it was just a kiss.

"Can you stop pacing around I'm trying to sleep!" Pansy hisses from her bed. Pansy and I never did form a friendship she's an unbearable twit.

"Shut it Parkinson."

I leave the dorm slamming the door and sit in the empty Common room, I sit on the black leather sofa and gaze into the fire, my thoughts hurting my head. When term ends, I must go home, I have to go back to my parents, back to being tortured and abused. It hurts me a little that I won't be able to see Draco every day. I will see him in the meetings but its not like we can spend any time together in them no one ever talks apart from The Dark Lord.

I lay back on the sofa and stare at the ceiling.

"Room for one more?" Draco says boldly.

"Of course." I scoot to the back of the sofa leaving enough from for Draco to lay down beside me, he places his arm behind me and I rest my head of his shoulder. He looks skinnier these days and his eyes are darker than before. He's still beautiful. We lay in perfect silence. Draco turns to face me his eyes invading mine and he brushes the hair of my face. I want to kiss him more than anything, but I cannot. Its too much of a risk. We lay like this for ages just enjoying each other's company. This may be the only rest we get for weeks.

"They're coming tomorrow." He whispers

"I have to do it tomorrow." He cracks and I can hear the fear in his voice.

I know I shouldn't, but I can't stop myself, I grab his face and kiss him deeply and he runs his hands over my body. He climbs on top of me, kissing me harder, his tongue enters my mouth. He tastes perfect. He is perfect. I feel his body on top of mine and I can't help but let a small moan into his mouth. He smiles smugly and gazes at me with his ocean eyes.

"You're beautiful Grayling." He whispers kissing me once more.

"Doesn't this look Cosy!"

Zabini laughs, causing me and Draco to jump of the sofa quickly. Why must it always be him?. I forgot we were in the common room. I can't help but laugh a little at being caught out.

"About time you two got together, the sexual tension was sickening." Goyle blurts, leaving me and Draco to scan each other awkwardly. Was it really that obvious?

"Shut it you two, you're just jealous no one wants you." Draco Hisses sounding almost like himself again.

"She wanted me once." Zabini says confidently.

Draco jumps over the sofa and lands a punch on Zabini's nose. I mean I could've stopped it from happening, but he definitely deserved it. Goyle breaks the two up before it can get any more heated. Zabini's nose Is pouring with blood and I cant help but laugh.

"And what are you laughing at, you slut." Blaise shouts.

I whip out my wand and aim it for Blaise. "Stupify!"

He smashes through the common room door into the hallway, laying on the floor rolling in pain. Goyle trying to get him up, I storm towards them both.

"I'm going to make you regret the day you were born." I Hiss.

Before I can fire anymore spells at them they've run off down the hallway. I turn around to see Draco leaning on the back of the sofa looking very amused. His cocky smile is back.

"You really don't need my protection do you Grayling?" He laughs.

"I think I will always need you." I blurt out. Shit, did I really have to get that soppy?

Draco smiles looking down at the floor.

"I'm going to sleep Draco and you should too, we have a big day tomorrow."

I walk towards my dorm.

"Goodnight Willow, sweet dreams." I turn to see Draco smirking at me, he shoots me a small wink and heads for his room.

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