CHAPTER 14 "Would the right side ever do this to the girl you love?"

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CHAPTER 14 "Would the right side ever do this to the girl you love?"


I Walk into Defence against the Dark arts class, Willow is already sat at our table, she eyes me nervously and her cheeks blush slightly. I can't help but feel a bit smug that I've put her in her place, finally. Amycus enters the class and everyone sits up straight, even Willow. The Carrows are the worst thing that ever happened to this place, they're traitors to The Dark Lord but still he allows them to work for him. They have been taking pride in inflicting pain on anyone that crosses them, and no one can do anything about it. Since the ministry has fallen unforgivable curses can be used by anyone, anytime.

"Each of you collect a book from the front." Amycus snaps.

"You will need page 57 onwards and that will be all."

Everyone looks at each other fed up. Nearly all our classes are based on just reading now.

"So lazy." Willow muffles under her breath, a bit too loudly.

"What was that Miss Grayling?" Carrow peers down at her.

Willow shuffles in her seat trying to think of a way to get herself out of it she takes a deep sigh and blurts out

"So lazy Carrow. That's what I said." She spits standing up from her chair. The whole class is gaping at her, none of them can believe what she just said, I can't believe what she just said. Carrows face turns red with rage and he grabs her hair pulling her out of the door and she lets out a yelp.

"Get your hands off her!" I seethe.

"Shut it Malfoy or it'll be you too." He says tugging harder on her hair.

I cant let him take her alone, he could kill her. The Carrows don't care who her family is. I push into him making him lose grip of Willows hair.

"Take me too then." I snarl as he pulls us both out of the classroom.

He drags us into his office throwing us hard onto the ground. Willows lip has split back open and a trickle of blood runs down her chin. I can tell she's trying to act brave, but her skin has gone pale and her body gently shakes, its exactly what happened the night killed Burbage. Amycus lift his foot up and slams it down hard onto Willows head and she lets out a cry. I scurry across the floor to help her but Amycus kicks me away, I lose my breath as his foot makes contact with my rib cage.

Amycus takes out his wand and points It at willow, I try to stop him but I cant breath as I spit blood onto the floor. Willow is laying motionless on the floor and I feel sick at the thought of her never waking up.

"CRUCIO!" Amycus bellows as Willow shrieks a blood curdling sound the excruciating pain of the curse shocking her awake

"Stop it! Get your hands of off her" I beg. A huge smile spreads across Amycus' face, the Carrows have always been jealous of her and the power her family holds, mine too. Willows eyes glisten over as blood bubbles from her nose.

"They are not yours to Kill!" Snape burst into the office wincing at the site of willow on the floor. Amycus immediately lowers his wand.

"Punishment, yes Mr Carrow, but if the girl or Malfoy dies at the hands of us, he will kill us too. You wouldn't want to take his precious Death Eaters away now would you?"

Amycus nods his head to snape who's attention turns to me.

"Malfoy, get her to Pomfrey immediately, make it quick."

I stand up as quickly as I can and lift Willows lifeless body of the floor, her face is covered in blood and her eyes stay open with a blue haze over them, I run to the Hospital wing I can't stop thinking that she's already dead. I will kill Amycus for this.

"Pomfrey!" I scream placing Willow onto a bed.

Pomfrey who seems flustered from the busyness of the hospital wing comes running over, Professor McGonigal at her side.

"What on earth happened Mr Malfoy!" McGonigal gasps.

Pomfrey was already working on Willow frantically.

"Amycus. He nearly killed her." I seethe.

McGonigal presses her lips into a hard line as she scans the room of injured students and sighed. "I will no longer tolerate this at my school. It must be stopped." McGonigal huffed.

As she angrily turned to leave she gave me one last look.

"And Mr Malfoy, remember to choose your side wisely. Would the right side ever do this to the girl you love?" She left leaving me in a pool of regret and guilt.


The dim light of the candle flickered around my dorm; I'd taken Willow from the hospital as soon as Pomfrey told me she would be ok. I watched as she slept in my bed her face bruised and her hair stained with blood. Id forced Goyle and Blaise to find somewhere else to sleep. Professor McGonigal's words echoed around my mind. She is right. This is no life. I will do anything to keep Willow safe, even if that means standing up to my family and the Dark Lord.

"Draco." Willow whispers sounding small.

"I'm here, don't worry,"

"im sorry, I got you in into trouble."

"It doesn't matter Grayling, I will always protect you." My words make her smile and I climb into bed with her planting a gentle kiss on her bruised lips.

"I will make them pay for what they've done to you. All of them."

She drifts back to sleep in my arms and I think of how we've been treated. How we've been let down by our families and forced to do evil things, things that are going to haunt us forever. We were never given a choice and I'm going to make sure that we finally get one.

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