Chapter 4 "You look Stunning."

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CHAPTER 4 – "You look stunning."


I Know Willow is disappointed in me for the events that played out in Hogsmeade, I try to supress my guilt as its her own fault she ran off with Zabini, although she couldn't of stopped me from fucking up so badly. My thoughts turn to Katie Bell, I never meant for her to get hurt, I ignore my wrongdoing shaking off the feeling of failure.

The Great Hall vibrates with the sound of Excited students as they prepare themselves for the quidditch game, Ron Weasley walks in with his skull protector on, Crabbe and Goyle mock him and I Can't help but laugh. There is no way Gryffindor can win this. As much as I want to watch the game unfold, I know I must be in the room of requirement working on the vanishing cabinet. Me and Willow have managed to send a Green Apple through which came back with a bite in it, I suppose that's a step forward.

Grayling swaggers into the Great Hall her head held high oblivious to the field of boys that stare open mouthed at her. She sits down next to me, Her platinum hair was once again scattered in perfect curls around her face, she wore more make-up then normal and a black fur coat. Blaise moves from his seat and perches next to her eyeing me warily, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealously as she blushed at his presence.

"You look stunning." Zabini sang, gazing into her eyes.

She smiled her face turning Crimson as she flicks her hair, Ridiculous. Although he is right, she does look stunning.

"Are you coming to the game Draco?" She turns to me changing the subject and adjusting her scarf.

"No I have things to do Grayling." I say bluntly as I storm away from them both.

Willow POV.

Even though Slytherin did not win the game it was a good day out. I had never been to a Quidditch game before and being with Blaise made it even more special, I'm grateful for Hogwarts for giving me experiences I never thought I'd have. I try to stop my happy thoughts as I remember I haven't seen Draco all day. I judge myself for even thinking of him at all, but it's just work, I can't let Hogwarts distract me.

I leave Blaise, running towards the room of requirement, Draco must be there. I pace in front of the wall on the 7th floor, Slowly the doors appears in front of me. I find Draco inside his posture stiff; I touch his shoulder and he jumps.

"Bloody hell Grayling! You nearly gave a heart attack!" He Shouts.

He looks even more stressed than earlier.

"Is this really what you've been doing all day?" I Remark.

"You do realise you can still make time for normal wizard activities."

He furrows his brows at me.

"How can you even say that Grayling? You know what I have to do, I have no time to play student romance." He spits, I know he is making a remark about me and Blaise, I'm sick of him speaking to me this way I've been too kind.

"You need to remember who you're speaking too Malfoy!" I press my wand against his face.

He looks at me unphased, as though he doesn't care what could happen to him.

"You and your family are going to die a cold and painful death if you don't sort it out sharpish."

I snap as I turn to leave.


Despite our differences me and Willow work throughout the remaining days before Christmas, there's wind of a Christmas party that Slughorn is hosting with a bunch of Blood traitors, this is a perfect opportunity for Willow and I to work through the night without getting caught. I walk into her dorm ignoring the tense glare of Pansy Parkinson.

"Grayling." I snap, watching her gazing out of the window onto the Black lake, she snaps her head round and meets me with her intense emerald gaze.

"Can I borrow you for a moment." I sense the stares of the Slytherin girls.

Willow stands up and follows me out of the common room into the empty corridor.

"How can I be of service Mr Malfoy." She says teasingly, looking happier than usual.

"Room of requirement at 8pm tonight, Slughorn's throwing a Christmas party so it'll be easier to navigate the castle."

She looks at me disappointed, her smile dropping slightly as she shuffles in her spot playing with her hair.

"What is it." I hiss. She looks up at me with her face blushing.

"It's nothing, ill be there." She mutters walking back into the common room.



As me and Draco make our way through the corridor the silence is suffocating. We really aren't seeing eye to eye, there's a tension between us that I cannot explain. I didn't tell him that Blaise had invited me to the party as his date, I don't know why, I just couldn't bring myself too and after all he does need my help. Just before we reach our common room, we hear echoing footsteps, Filch emerges from the darkness. Filch grabs us both our shoulders and pulls us Towards Slughorns office. He yanks us into the party and the music stops with all eyes falling on us. I catch Blaise looking at me and shaking his head. I told him I was ill.

"Take your hands off us you filthy squid." Draco hisses.

"Professor Slughorn, sir, I just discovered these two, lurking in an upstairs corridor. He claims to have been invited to your party."

"Ok I was gate crashing." Draco shouts.

"Actually Willow, was invited, but she told me she was sick." Blaise snaps as he walks towards me with a spiteful look on his face. Draco looks at me confused as Filch releases me and I run after Blaise.

"Blaise wait!" I shout running down the corridor. Why do I even care? Blaise ignores me disappears into the dark. I turn around and see Draco walking down the corridor angrily towards me.

"Thanks for leaving me to deal with Snape." He says stopping in front of me

"You're a big boy Draco I'm sure you can handle it yourself." I snap, glaring at him. Why is he so annoyed at me?

"Why didn't you got to the party with Zabini?" He asks, his face serious.

"Like you said. Malfoy. I'm not here to play school romance. I'm here to get a job done." I reply as I walk off towards the common room leaving him alone. I need to get some sleep. I haven't got time for this.

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