CHAPTER 18 "Like you'd be able to kill me Grayling."

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CHAPTER 18 "Like you'd be able to kill me Grayling."

Draco POV.

The screams of the Muggle run through my house as Voldemort tortures him in front of us all. No one must show any other emotion than happiness, that would be the upmost disrespect to The Lord. After all it is only a worthless muggle. The muggle screams in pain as blood runs from his eyes and his face turns blue, his mouth foaming violently. My mother grabs my hand under the table, squeezing it hard, I know this is Hurting her. I watch Willow laugh at the end of the table her and Bellatrix clink their glasses in glee.

"Miss Grayling, My dear, Would you care to do the honours." Voldemort sings bowing his wand towards Willow. She stands up and adjusts her ponytail. She's wearing the same outfit she wore the night Dumbledore died, only this time I feel so much differently about seeing her in it. A malicious smirk forms on her face and she bows her head.

"Of course My Lord, no need for the wand Sir, I have my own." She pulls her silver wand out and with a green flash she hurls the muggle into the air, his scream colonizing the room. The Death Eaters roar with laughter as the Muggles body crashes to the floor in a pool of blood. I try my hardest not to look away as his body lays spasming on the floor, willow steps over him in her heeled boots and heads for the door, with a quick flick of her ponytail she turns to face him one last time. She pauses for one moment, looking at him. Her old self hidden behind her eyes.

"Avada Kadavra!" She yells as the man succumbs to his death.


I awake to the sound of retching coming from the Bathroom, my bare feet make no sound on the floorboards as I use the light of my wand to guide the way. Willows bedroom door hangs open, her bed filled only by silk emerald sheets. As I walk into her bathroom I find her on the floor, half dressed, her body black and blue. I can here her whimpering as she lay her head on her knees, she looks worryingly thin. I sit down beside her, we haven't spoken in weeks.

"Bloody hell Grayling, You look a state, not as strong as you thought eh?" I say sarcastically, hoping it will anger her enough to snap out of feeling sorry for herself. She doesn't say a word, she just keeps her head down ignoring me all together. I still love her, even though she makes It ridiculously hard to do so, but we're not right for each other, we want different things.

"He thinks of me as one of his Strongest followers." Willow whispers still huddled into her knees. "Just like Bella, do you know what that means Malfoy?" She asks looking up at me. Her nose is covered in dry blood and there is a cut at the top of her head, her Green eyes lay sunken into her thin face. I shake my head, I am so shocked by the way she looks that words escape me.

"Have you ever seen Bellatrix deny what He wanted, or cry after taking a life? Or did you just notice her mind unravel, until there was nothing left but darkness. She couldn't of always been so heartless?" Her voice is weak as she looks at me shaking uncontrollably.

"She's always been like that." I snap back, not wanting to hear what she has to say.

"How can you be so sure? She loved once, just like me, and now she's empty inside. Do you think she ever threw up after taking a life?" The tone of Willows voice cuts me deep.

"You're nothing like her Willow, she- "

"Do you know what he did to me after I killed that Muggle? He tortured and beat me for hours. Just because I hesitated for a split second. If he thinks of me to be his loyal follower, I must be ruthless. He will make me kill anyone that stands in his way. Even you." She forces her weak head up to meet my eyes.

"Like you'd be able to kill me Grayling." I laugh and finally a small smile plays on her lips.

"Don't test me Malfoy." She jokes. I brush the hair from her face and sit her on the side of the bath. I run the tap and clean the blood of her face gently; she winces at the pain. We sit in silence, not even looking at each other, I wrap her in her Robe and picking her up, I place her onto her bed. The lightness of her body sickens me, it feels as if she could break in my arms.

"It won't come to that Grayling." I whisper kissing her on the forehead. Her eyes closed and I left the room.

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