Chapter 6 "You're so out of control."

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CHAPTER 6 "You're so out of control."


After mine and Draco's chat he has been seeming slightly calmer and I know I have got him back on track, however he still holds a look of pain and he hardly talks to anyone. The Weasley boy walks into charms and I feel a twinge of guilt, we destroyed his house over the Christmas holidays. Did I just feel bad for that? I notice that since I have been at Hogwarts, I have started to feel more sympathy for people, I don't like it. I could get killed for even thinking this.

"How's the house Weasley." I joke trying to redeem the evil qualities that I have been taught to follow.

"Shut it Grayling, you disgust me, you foul troll." Hermione jumps up from her chair and stands in front of my table her wand pointing for my head.

"Im impressed Granger" I snarl standing slowly leaning towards her.

"And what do you think you're going to do with that wand?"

The whole class Is staring at us now luckily Flitwick isn't here yet.


I fly against the wall, feeling my head smack against the brick. Did this bitch really just do that? Stumbling to my feet I take out my wand and storm towards Granger, the whole class is staring at us open mouthed, just as I'm about to Crucio her Draco has grabs me around the waste and drags me out of the room.

"Are you stupid!" Draco spits dragging me towards the Slytherin common room.

"With everything going on are you really that thick to be starting fights with scum like that in the middle of a classroom! By the look on your face you were going to use a unforgivable curse!"

I try my hardest to escape his grip but he's too strong, all I can think of is killing the Granger girl, I haven't felt anger like this in a long time.

"Get off me Malfoy she deserves what's coming to her and you of all people should realise that!" I shout pushing Draco, my hand forms a fist and I aim for his face. He catches my hand just before it reaches his cheek. He storms into the common room and orders Crabbe and Goyle to get out leave, leaving us alone.

"If you fuck this up Grayling and get expelled for doing something stupid, he will kill you! You're so out of control that you don't even realise that your head is bleeding!"

I touch the back of my head and feel the cold wetness on my hair, looking down at my hands I realise they're covered in blood and Dracos white shirt is too, all of a sudden I feel rather faint, my eyes start to flicker and I feel myself lose balance, as I fall to the ground I feel Dracos arms around me and I succumb to the dizziness and fade into darkness.


I wake up in the hospital wing, my eyes are stinging from the light and I feel sick.

"You're finally awake dear, good. You had quite the injury you have been out for a whole day."

Pomfrey says concerned.

"How did I get here?" I whisper

"The Malfoy boy bought you in yesterday, he stayed for quite a while but when I advised you will be out for the night, he left." She says sympathetically.

I feel a slight flutter as I remember Draco rescuing me from my fall, the warm embrace of his arms and the sweet smell of vanilla, the last thing I saw was his Ocean eyes scanning me wordily. Get a grip willow. My thoughts are interrupted by Potter and Slughorn dragging in a limpWeasley followed by McGonigal and Professor Dumbledore. I raise my hand and flick a sarcastic wave at Potter who scowls at me and I let out a small laugh. My head starts to spin, and I fall back into the bed, Granger runs in, but I am too tired to do anything, she stares at me looking slightly guilty. I try to stay awake to listen to what's happened, something about a poisoned bottle of Mead that Slughorn was meant to give Dumbledore. Its got Draco's name written all over it. Is he really that stupid to use a similar tactic to the necklace? Before I can silently judge Draco anymore my eyes are forced shut and once again, I am engulfed in darkness

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