CHAPTER 17 " When it consumes the girl I love?"

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CHAPTER 17 "How am I meant to remove evil from my life when it consumes the girl I love?"


I storm into my room ignoring the calls of Draco. This is the second time he has gone against me. My hands are cold as they shake with Fury. Does he want us all to get killed? I gaze out the window with my hands pressed firmly on the sill. I try to steady my breath and my heartbeat. My door clicks open. Draco walks towards me standing tall his face hard.

"Get out." I breathe.

He doesn't move, he stands there, his eyes piercing through mine but I am so angry his gaze does not weaken me.

"Get out!" I scream, throwing my hands against his chest. Again. He doesn't move. He pushes me onto the bed and towers above me his face fearless.

"Why cant you get it into your thick skull that everything I am doing is to protect you! To protect us!" He snaps, his eyes not moving from mine. I have never seen him this angry.

"How is going against The Dark Lord protecting us Draco, don't you understand? He will kill us all for your betrayal. What you pulled out there was a disgusting move. We must play the part. If-"Before I can continue Draco interrupts me with a sarcastic laugh.

"Play the part?" He spits. "Play the bloody part Grayling!? To me that didn't look fake at all. To me, that looked like you meant it, like it was you. Like you enjoyed it." He was right. I did enjoy tearing through Grangers skin, watching her scream as I tortured her, I've wanted to do it since she threw me into the wall in charms class. As for Potter and Weasley I really couldn't care what happens to them either, I don't know them, I didn't grow up with them like Draco did.

"This is me Draco! I am a Grayling, I am meant to be one of Voldemorts most loyal and brutal followers, and since its now just me I must prove myself more than ever. There's no escaping this, there is no escaping him!" Tears start to prick in my eyes. I hate what Draco does to me, he makes me feel worthy of forgiveness, worthy of love. My parent's deaths were not the end of it, it is the beginning, Voldemort relies on me now, more than ever to serve him just like my parents did.

"Potter is our ticket to Freedom Grayling, that is why I lied. He is the only one that can end him, what you did in there was vile, you looked just like your father."

"And you looked just like your coward of a Father, when you couldn't kill Dumbledore." I storm out of the room ignoring the sound of Malfoy smashing things, my vision blurry from the tears that are flowing from my face, I need to get out of here I need to leave. How dare he try and guilt trip me, Granger deserved it and why did he care so much about her anyway.

"What ever is the matter dear." Bellatrix says stroking my face with her black nails.

"Ask him." I scoff, turning my gaze to Draco standing at the top of the stairs.

I turn on my heel and using my wand I flick the doors of Malfoy Manor open, causing a loud crash. I walk down the dark path keeping my back to the Malfoys. I have nowhere to go. Disapperating I leave the Malfoys in a cloud of Black smoke. I find myself on the coast staring into the sea, it reminds me of Dracos eyes and I cant help but let out a loud sob folding my head into my knees. The clouds swirl and I start to shiver as the darkness draws in.

"He loves you, you know."

I turn to see Lucius Malfoy standing behind me, his white hair blowing in the breeze. I tilt my head up at him suspiciously. What could he possibly want with me?

"He loves somebody that doesn't exist." I croak, clearing my throat. "He thinks I can be saved."

Lucius sits down next to me his eyes transfixed on the waves.

"That boy thinks that we can all be saved. But in truth we cannot, deep down I think Draco knows that." He says his voice sounding lifeless. "His hope will get him killed and from what I can see you understand that. Don't you Grayling." Lucius turns to look at me his face cold, I manage to force a small nod.

"His mother thought she could save me and look where that got us. I trust that when the time comes for Draco to pick a side. You will do what's right for him." Lucius says bluntly. He cares for Draco I know he does, but this is just a way for him to please Voldemort, if he really cared for Draco he wouldn't be insinuating that we're on the right side.

"Yes Mr Malfoy." I whisper as he glances back towards the sea. "I will do what's right, I promise."

"You make him stronger, do you know that?"

"Draco has always been strong Sir, no disrespect, but I just think you failed to see it." I say dryly. Lucius holds his arm up for me to take, I don't want to go back to Malfoy Manor but I have no where else. I gingerly hook my arm into his and he takes us back home.


We enter the through the doors of the Manor to find Draco sat on the bottom step his head in his hands. He looks up at both of us standing in the doorway, a grim look on his face. His beautiful face. Lucius clears his throat and unlinks my arm, giving us a reassuring nod, he leaves us in awkward silence. All that can be heard is the hateful spit of the fire. My thoughts flash through how I acted in front of him, how I formed into the monster I always dreaded to be. How I scolded this boy for trying to protect me. I kneel on the floor in front of him and I take his face in my hands.

"I didn't realise it would hurt you. I didn't think Draco. I'm sorry."

"I know why you done it, that's not what hurt me. It's the way you enjoyed it that concerned me Grayling. How am I meant to remove evil from my life when it consumes the girl I love?"

He pauses and takes a breath, my head spins at the thought of him leaving me. He's going to give up on me I can tell by his face. My eyes leak as I try to keep myself breathing my heart pounding in my chest. If he leaves me, he's going to break me. I will have nothing else to live for. I will have no reason to be good. He stands towering above me and I smell his scent of Apple and Vanilla.

"You're no good for me Grayling." He whispers, brushing my cheek with his finger, his eyes glowing in sadness. I swallow as my lips tremble and I try my best to hold myself together.

"Its over, we're done." He hisses and turns his back to me leaving me alone in the echoing dark of the foyer. 

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