CHAPTER 16 "Traitor."

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CHAPTER 16 "Traitor."


I stand looking at myself in the mirror. Since Willow said she loved me I finally felt like I had a purpose in all of this. I need to untangle us from this life that has so viscously consumed us, but I can't help but feel that part of Willow enjoys it. She plays the part so well, it's as though she revels in it, she holds ger confidence perfectly and I remember her laugh screeching through the dining hall as she murdered Burbage. When I watch her sleep she is a glow of pure innocence, but when she is with them she is the heartbeat of all evil. Evil that I have proven to not be able to stomach.

"Draco!" My thoughts are invaded by the squeals of Bellatrix.

Willow enters my room with a huge grin on her face that sends shivers down my spine. Her Platinum curls gentle blowing softly in the breeze that eases from my window, her black cape flutters around her body and her eyes study me cunningly. Even though her parents were both dead, the darkness that they drilled into her still runs deep in her veins. Bellatrix told The Dark Lord that Elijah Grayling had tried to kill her, luckily for her Voldemort needed Bella more than he needed Elijah so he let it go.

"He's here." She shrieks.

I look at her with my eyebrow raised, who could she be so excited about? I notice the tight grip on her silver wand as her smirk rises into a shining white smile.

"Its Potter! He's here!" She lets out an excited giggle and grabs my arm dragging me downstairs, my breath catches in my throat. It can't be Potter. As much I despise him he is the only one that can kill The Dark Lord. The only one that can set us free. Willow clearly doesn't realise this as she skips down the hallway singing her cape dancing behind her. Seeing her like this makes me anxious, when she acts this way she ends up doing something her conscious cant handle. She beckons me into the room with her hand, her face now dancing with death.

Bellatrix stands in the Foyer clutching a brunette boy by his hair, her wand knifing against his neck. Weasley and Granger look at me nervously, they look filthy and terrified probably because they have been on the run for so long. I know its Potter, despite the swelling of his face, I recognised him as soon as I saw him.

"Well?" Bella hisses, lifting potter up as he groans in pain. All eyes fall on me and I feel my stomach twist.

"I – I cant be sure." I force out trying my hardest to sound honest, Willow glares at me with her jaw clenched tight, scolding me with her serpent eyes.

"Draco, look closely son." My Father whispers squeezing the back of my neck hard. "If we were the ones to hand Potter over to The Dark Lord, everything will be forgiven, everything will be as it was, do you understand?" I can hear the desperation in his voice as he clutches my shoulders but I can't let them hand Potter over. Voldemort is not forgiving, he possesses no redeeming qualities, the only way things can ever go back to normal is if he's dead and Potter is the only person that can conquer him.

"Now we wont be forgetting who actually caught him, I hope Mr Malfoy." Scabior demands, turning my Fathers face an icy cold.

"You dare to talk to me like that in my own house!" My father bellows making my feet shuffle uncomfortably on the wooden floor. I ignore Willows burning eyes and look towards Potter.

"Don't be shy sweetie, come over." My aunt coos. Even when she's trying to sound nice her voice terrifies me, I reluctantly walk towards the both of them. Forcing an inquisitive look onto my face I kneel down in front of Potter; I feel a twinge of pride seeing him so vulnerable.

"Now if this isn't who we think it is Draco and we call him; he will kill us all. We need to be absolutely sure." Bella taunts grabbing my hand.

"What's wrong with his face?" I ask trying to buy myself some time.

"Yes what is wrong with his face?" Willow Scoffs.

"He came to us like that, something he picked up in the forest I reckon."

"He ran into a stinging Jinx, Was it you dear?" Bella turns her attention to Granger. Of course it was Granger, she's one of the smartest Witches I had ever met, she would do anything to protect her friends. Bella mocks Granger as Harry stares at me confused. I would hand him over in an instance if I didn't need him, I hope he doesn't think I've gone soft. Willow taps my shoulder looking at me in disgust.

"What are you playing at Draco." She snaps through gritted teeth. I turn my back to her, watching the scene that Bella is causing over some sword Granger is holding. I don't envy Granger at all, if that sword really does belong to my Aunt she will be tortured, or worse, Killed. Willow pushes past me knocking me hard with her shoulder and Joins My Aunts side, together they force the Snatchers to leave, whipping them with their wands. The snatchers leave scared and hurt as Willow and Bellatrix storm towards Granger.

"Put the boys in the Cellar, We need to have a little conversation with this one! Girl to girl!"

Willow holds Hermione up to Bella, a sinister smirk on her face. I don't like Willow this way as much as she hates to admit it, it doesn't suit her. They circle Hermione scanning her up and down, clutching their wands. I have to look away as Bellatrix throws Hermione to the ground and barks in her face. Granger cries insisting she didn't remove the Sword from My Aunts vault, and I believe her. I jump as Hermione lets out a deafening shriek, as I watch on in horror as Willow calves the words "MUD BLOOD." Into her skin with her wand.

"Willow that's enough." I snap as she raises her wand to inflict the Cruacitus curse. My Father scolds me as I grab Willows arm. She shoves herself into me, whispering into my ear she snarls. "Traitor." Before I can retaliate Weasley and Potter enter the room, throwing my father into the air. They aim for my Mother causing me to fight against them. Willow runs for Hermione.

"STOP! Drop your wands." Willow shouts. Her eyes burning. Hermione quivers in her arms as tears roll down her face. Willow pressed her wand into her chin as Potter and Weasley lower their wands.

"Well, well, well... Look what we have here, its Harry Potter, he's all shiny and brand new" Bella Whispers as she joins Willows side. My heart stops, What if they know I lied?

"Just in time for the Dark Lord. Willow. Call him." She snaps. Willow doesn't hesitate in raising her sleeve, revealing her dark mark surrounded by scars. Don't do this love. I think to myself wishing I could shout it out and stop her from making this mistake. I just wish she could understand that if Potter dies, we are slaves to the dark. Forever. Before she can summon him I notice the chandelier start to swing above their heads. Is that dobby?

The Chandelier crashes towards them as Willow Jumps out of the way throwing Hermione into Weasleys arms.

"Stupid Elf! You could've killed me!" Bella snaps. My father turns for them all, but before he can do anything Potter throws him into the air once more and snatches my wand. Stealing it from me. My mother aims her wand for Dobby but with a click of his fingers it lands in his hand. How dare an Elf disarm my mother.

"How dare you take a witches Wand." Willow screams.

"How dare you defy your masters." Bellatrix adds her voice thriving in malice.

"Dobby has no Master. Dobby is a free Elf and Dobby has come to save Harry Potter and his friends!"

I watch, injured on the floor as they prepare to escape, I could've done something, but I didn't. I needed Potter out of here, I need him alive. Bellatrix throws her dagger through the air. It whips into them just before they Disapperate. Willow and Bella let out a menacing Laugh. I know it hit the elf. I know she murdered Dobby.

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