CHAPTER 21 " Then don't be a Grayling."

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CHAPTER 21 " Then don't be a Grayling."

Willow pov

I storm out of the common room, my eyes sore. I feel like I can never escape sadness, it follows me everywhere. As I walk down the corridors, I notice groups of students in their rows, following the Carrows towards the Great Hall. To avoid punishment, I slip in beside Pansy Parkinson keeping my head low. We gather in an eery silence. Blaise stands beside me his face thick with vengeance.

"What's going on?" I Whisper, Blaise side eyes me and mouth's "Potter." My skin goes hot at the thought, if Potter has returned, I must summon The Dark Lord.

"It has come to my attention, that earlier this evening, Harry Potter, was sighted in Hogsmeade."

Snape scolds the Hall. Demanding anyone who knows of where he is to step forward or face severe punishment. I scan the room, everyone's silent. I turn my attention to Luna who is looking suspicious and I can't help but feel slightly guilty for what I will have to do.

"Now then." Snape interrupts my thoughts, his voice ringing in a low frequency that creates a sinister air around the room "If anyone here has any knowledge of Mr Potter's movement this evening, I invite them to step forward."

Nobody moves, there's a few twitches from the Slytherins but that's expected, they would do anything to suck up to Snape. I flick my gaze around Slytherin, Draco is nowhere to be seen, he's left me on my own. I can't help but think that the last time I saw him, when I shut the common room door in his face, may be the last time I ever see him. Suddenly Potter emerges from the depths of Gryffindor to reveal himself to Snape and the room fills with gasps, even my jaws drops a little.

"It seems despite your exhaustive defence strategies; you still have a bit of a security problem headmaster." Harry snaps, his voice radiating in confidence, we all gasp and turn to the back of the hall to see The Order bursting into the room prepared to fight. A slight wave of fear washes over me, they will kill me. I must summon the lord.

"I'm afraid its quite extensive, How dare you stand where he stood!" The hall falls silent again as harry screams at snape

"Tell them how it happened that night! Tell them, how you looked him in the eye, a man who trusted you! And you killed him! Tell them!" Harrys voice was raw with emotion as the students scurried to the edge of the room, Severus raised his wand to Potter. Professor McGonigal snaps to Harrys defence followed by his friends, including Granger and Weasley. I hide myself at the back of the Slytherin's and lift my sleeve.

"Hide me." I hiss at Blaise, who gives me a confused but accelerated smile. He stands in front of me and to my surprise so Does Pansy Parkinson, I wave my hand over my dark mark and let the lord know Potter has returned to Hogwarts.

"So its true then." Blaise whispers, I nod and pull my sleeve down as we watch Professor McGonigal battle Snape. I smile as she stuns the Carrows, I always wished I could be the one to do that myself. Snape being the coward he is disapperates smashing the glass window. The hall breaks out into cheer and I head for the door, keeping my hood up and my head down. McGonigal flicks her wand and relights the room. This is it. It starts now. My Dark Mark burns as I hear the sinister voice of The Dark Lord run from through the castle. He's coming for Potter.

The order forms a magical field around the castle, everyone is getting prepared to fight. I feel a little guilty for summoning Voldemort. Everyone in this castle cares for each other in one way or another and they're determined to fight for what they have. I watch as Professor McGonigal lures the army of soldiers from the brick of the castle. I need to get out of here, I need to find Draco before something happens to him.

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