CHAPTER 7 "You are not alone."

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CHAPTER 7 "You are not alone."


I walk through the corridors alone no one even looks at me in this place anymore and with Grayling laid up in bed for a week I don't have anyone to keep me sane, Granger really did a number on her. I used to think I could handle anything, I used to think I was strong, but I'm terrified. Part of me wants to run to Dumbledore and tell him everything but I can't. Even though I resent my parents for forcing me into this life Voldemort would kill them and me if I tried to get help. I will not let that happen. As soon as this mark was on my arm, I serve him. I do not have a choice.

I walk into The Great Hall trying to look stable but as I enter my eyes are locked upon Katie Bell. Guilt cripples me and I feel myself crumbling, I don't want to be in here and Potter is eyeing me angrily. My lips begin to shake and I feel my eyes fill with water. No one can see me this way. I pace towards the bathroom my eyes succumbing to the tears that roll down my face, I feel like I'm going to lose my mind. I rip my jumper off and stare at my reflection in the mirror. How did it come to this? How have I become this person? This evil person? I hate myself. My emotions are drowning me and I let out a loud cry, I feel like I am suffocating. I never meant for anybody to get hurt, I only wanted Dumbledore dead because it has been requested of me. The necklace seemed like a good idea because that way I didn't have to face him whilst he died.

"I know what you did Malfoy."

I look up into the mirror to see Potter standing behind me, why does he always have to be the hero?

"You hexed her didn't you!" Harry spits at me. I try to stop myself from shaking but I can't, the guilt is crippling me. Not now Potter. I can't let Potter know that I am weak, I just wished Grayling was here to help me, no one is ever here to help me.

I spin around throwing a spark at him, just missing him, my head is dizzy, I don't want to do this now. I hold back tears as we duel each other running around the Bathroom splitting pipes and doors leaving water and debris everywhere. We creep around the cubicles firing shots at one another. I cant kill him, he belongs to Voldemort.


The flash from Harrys wand hits me in the chest flying me to the floor, I feel myself soak in blood, the water from the floor washing over me and mixing with the river of red that flows from my body, my heart is pounding and the pain is like nothing I have ever felt before. I feel like I am on fire. My chest is torn to pieces. I want to die. My vision starts to fade as I see a dark figure enter the room. Snape.

He begins to heal me with his wand but the pain is still there, its excruciating, I want to tell him not to bother, I want to tell him to let me die. As I start to fade a warm hand slips into mine, The smell of Elderflower enters my nose and I can just make out the platinum curls. Its Willow. Her other hand glides smoothly against my face, soothing me.

"Im here Draco. You are not alone." She whispers softly and she plants a small kiss on my lips, as I slip away into a euphoric slumber.



I sit at the end of Draco's bed, watching him sleep. The silk emerald sheets wrap around his muscular body and his hair hangs in waves over the top of his head. I feel worried for him and I've never felt concern like this for anyone. Snape agreed to keep Draco in his dorm for his own safety and I've been allowed access to keep an eye on him. I Owled his parents to let him know about the situation and that he is in good hands, after all it is my job to keep an eye on him.

Just wait until I get my hands-on Potter, I will end him.

I was wrong about Draco, he is not weak at all, in fact he may be one of the bravest people I have ever met. He was raised as a normal boy at a normal school and despite him being an annoying git he had normal friends and now because of the bad decisions of his father he must suffer and lose it all. Its not like that for me, I have nothing to lose and I've never known love or friendship, I've never cared about anyone. Not until now that is. Despite what people at this school think of him this isn't the life he wants. I know I must protect him, He needs me.

Draco stirs in his sleep, letting out small cries.

"I don't want to do it!"

"I can't do it!" His voice loudens as he cries out in his sleep.

I shake his shoulders gently.

"Draco! Its just a dream wake up." I don't like seeing him this way.

Draco's eyes shoot open and he fixes his eyes on mine.

"Grayling. You kissed me." An annoying smirk forming on his lips.

"You nearly died, I just wanted to make it a little less painful for you." I snap, I preferred him when he was asleep.

"Its fine Grayling, I know its hard to resist me." He mocks. This is the cocky Draco I remember, the one who thinks the sun shines out his arse.

"Don't kid yourself Malfoy." I quip.

"It will be the first and last time it ever happens, so you best keep a mental note. My father cannot hear a word about this or he'll kill us both, do you understand?"

"Of course Grayling, can't have that now can we." He winks at me and I feel my cheeks start to turn red. I don't like how vulnerable he makes me feel. I must not let my new opinions on him distract me from the reason I'm here, that would not be good for anyone.

"Well as I can see you're back to your annoying self, so I will be on my way, I have better things to do then babysit you all day."

I smile smugly and leave the room before he can distract me further.

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