CHAPTER 12 "What do you do to me Grayling."

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CHAPTER 12 "What do you do to me Grayling."


My home is silent as my parents and the rest of the Death Eaters have gone to capture Potter leaving me and Willow alone. She hasn't left her room since she killed Burbage. My mother has grown fond of her and checks up on her every evening, The Graylings haven't checked up on their daughter once. I feel guilty for what happened, it should've been me, despite our recent differences I cant help but think back to the words she had said to me before. "I will always need you." I regret not fighting for her the night she pushed me away but as usual I let my anger cloud my judgement.

Deafening screams invade my deep thoughts and I run down the hall, Its coming from Willows room. I run into her room, she's crying and screaming in her sleep. I shake her hard.

"Grayling. Wake up its just a dream."

She snaps open her eyes and sits bolt upright in her bed looking at me wide eyed, her eyes weren't the sparkling emerald I remember, they were black and red from crying, she too had bags under her eyes and her hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail. She sat in her silk short nightgown, her skin an unhealthy glow of pale. Despite all of this she was still effortlessly beautiful.

"Thank you." She says her voice croaking.

"Look Grayling, I'm sorry you had to do that, I should've done it instead i-."

"Its fine Draco, I knew what I was getting myself into." She says cutting me off. I know she doesn't mean it, of course its not fine, I've been horrible to her all summer and she still did something like that for me, I stand from her bed and as I turn for the door she grabs my wrist.

"Please may you stay." She looks up at me with fresh tears on her cheeks.

She wants me to stay? In her bed?

"Its fine if you don't want too its just the nightmares, they haunt me, I don't want to be on my own."

Her face is desperate, and I notice that she's shaking I let out a long sigh.

"Ok Grayling, But no funny business." I joke and she lets out a small laugh.

I climb in bed beside her and she instantly folds into my arms burying her head in my jumper, I stroke her hair soothing her and the all too familiar smell of Elderflower makes my heart skip.



We storm the Weasley wedding searching for Potter, but he's nowhere to be found, fire rips through the tent whilst people run in all directions to escape. The Ministry has fallen and wreak Havoc across the Wizarding world, no one can stop us. I spot Ginny Weasley running through the crowd screaming Harry's name. I knock her down with my wand and tower above her.

"Where is he Weasley."

"Go to hell!" She snaps.

I kick her in the chest and hold her down with my foot.

"You Weasleys have no manors at all. Do you!" I snarl.

If my mask wasn't shielding my identity there is so way I would've been doing this. I press down on her making her scream, before I can torture her any further I'm struck by a charm and I fall to the floor crying in pain, Mr Weasley stands over me his wand pointing at me.

"Expelliarmus." Draco disarms Mr Weasley. Mr Weasley rushes for his daughter and helps her to the floor. If only my Father cared for me that way.

Draco grabs my hand and we Disapperate back to Malfoy Manor. He places me on the floor of his bedroom and I cry out in pain, I can feel my stomach bleeding. Draco lifts up my top revealing a deep cut across my body. He starts to perform the same healing spell that Snape had used on him last year in the Bathroom, my eyes are rolling back at the pain and I can't stop myself from screaming. I can feel my skin starting to pull back together and I bite my lip to refrain from making too much noise.

"Stay with me Grayling, I'm almost done."

His words fade out as I succumb to the pain and I fade into darkness.


I wake up in Dracos bed, I feel exhausted. Draco is sat on the side of the bed his head in his hands. I move making him turn around quickly.

"You scared me there Grayling, almost thought it was curtains for you."

"Where is everyone?" I ask.

"They're all downstairs, celebrating the fall of the Ministry."

"And why aren't we?" I ask confused.

"Well because one, Grayling, you nearly died and two, they think we're too young to participate."

I roll my eyes, of course. It's a typical thing for the Malfoy's to say, my parents on the other hand don't care what I get up too if it doesn't harm them.

"That's nice of them. Thank you for healing me." I murmur.

"I sort of owed you one." Draco says with a smile of his face.

I stand to leave but my heads still dizzy and I fall back onto the bed, Draco looks at me concerned, he slides his hands underneath me and pulls me towards him. I look up at him and he's gazing at me with his silver eyes my breath catches in my throat. He leans down and kisses me softly, just once. Once is never enough when it comes to Draco Malfoy; despite my best efforts I throw myself on top of him and kiss him, hard. I've wanted to do this for so long. He mirrors my passion as his strong hands grip my waist, I run my hands through his hair as his hands trail up my back.

"What do you do to me Grayling?" He moans his voice sending shivers down my spine.

I take off my T-shirt and he stares at me in amazement, our kissing intensifies as he switches me onto my back, he sits up on top of me and lift his jumper over his head revealing his perfectly toned body, he kisses my neck as our bodies entangle and I get completely lost in him.

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