CHAPTER 23 " She is just a girl, who didn't have a choice."

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CHAPTER 23 " She is just a girl, who didn't have a choice."

Willow POV.

We run into The Great Hall, destruction is everywhere. In the corner I can see Luna laying under a pile of bricks, with Bellatrix leaning over her. Bella's laughing in her face and singing "Im going to kill you." Over and over. Luna looks weak she won't survive. I can't watch Luna die and I don't want to go against Bella. But I don't have a choice. I chose my side.

"No." I shout aiming my wand for Bella. Bella turns and looks at me tilting her head to the side, revealing her black teeth she spits.

"Well would you look at that, we have ourselves a traitor." She squares up to me and pressed her forehead on mine, her repulsive breath making me gag. She forces her wand under my neck.

"And I thought I liked you." She places he hand around my neck and all air escapes my lungs, my feet lift of the floor as I try to squirm from her grip.

"Put her down." Draco shouts his wand firmly pointing for his Aunt, his hand did not shake at all. He is so much stronger now that he fights for the right team. Bella throws me to the floor and heads for Draco.

"Why you little shit!" She screams grabbing him by his collar, she throws him down besides me. We lay on the floor and Draco puts his arms around me protectively.

"She's going to kill us." I cry and she raises her wand in the air.

"Close your eyes." He breaths tightening his grip on me, pulling me into him. I Scrunch my eyes closed, trying to prepare myself for death.


We both open our eyes to see Ginny throw Bellatrix against the wall with her wand, Bella stumbles to her feet and fires a shot at the unexpecting Ginny. The Weasleys turn to face her as Molly stands on the bench to confront Bellatrix.

"Not my Daughter you bitch." Molly snarls. Me and Draco jump to our feet as the two of them battle it out, I run for Luna and lift the bricks of off her. Her eyes are closed, her skin is pale. My tears drop onto her face. I shake her violently.

"Don't die on me Luna." I scream, I feel ridiculous for caring about her, but she is the only friend I have ever known. As much as she annoyed me, she taught me spells I had never had the chance to know, she made me laugh at her quirkiness and taught me that there is so much colour in the world. Draco grabs my shoulders and pulls me away from her, but I cant let go. Draco gently picks Luna up into his arms.

"She's not dead, but she will be. I'll take her to the hospital. Stay here and help the others. I'll come and find you after." Draco hurries for Pomfrey holding Luna, I run to the front of the castle to assist Granger and the Weasleys. Theres a bright flash and black ash flutters through the air like a swarm of moths. It's Bellatrix, Molly Weasley killed her. I have to swallow my guilt. There was no saving her she was lost to The Lord.

I join Grangers side and she eyes me nervously; she doesn't trust me and I don't blame her. I touch her shoulder as we kneel behind a pile rubble "I'm here to help, what do you need me to do." she looks at me and swallows letting out a deep breath. "We need to kill the snake but the Death Eaters are making it terribly hard, can you keep them away?" I nod and get up from my hiding space. "Grayling." Hermione shouts after me. I turn to look at her once more. "Thank you." I flash her a quick smile and run down the staircase towards the The Death Eaters. I try my hardest to block their hits but their anger towards me is so raw that they're determined to kill me.

My head smacks the floor and I feel the blood rush from the scar that remains from when Granger threw me into the wall. Despite the pain I climb to my feet. "Get a move on!" I shout at Granger as her a Weasley squabble for a large tooth. Nagini slivers up the staircase besides me and rears her head at them, I use all my energy to keep the death eaters away but I cant they knock me down once more and this time I cant stand up, this time I cannot breath. My visions blurs as I watch Neville Longbottom aims the sword for Nagini.



I run through the castle, the screaming has stopped and a sinister silence has fallen its walls. I run to the Courtyard looking for Willow. Harry is knelt on the floor in front of a dark cape. Voldemort's cape. He really did it, Potter killed he who shall not be named. I smile at the feeling of freedom, all I need to do now is find Willow. I run through the crowd but she's no where to be seen.

"Malfoy." I turn around and Granger Is in front of me with her head down. My stomach twists at the look on her face. No.

"Come with me." She says her voice cracking, she runs me up the staircase. Willow lay on the floor her head in Blaise's lap. He looks up at me his face torn with despair. I drop to my knees in front of willow and hold her cold hand.

"Did you do this." I scream turning to Granger. Ron runs up and pulls Granger back who lets out a sob shaking her head.

"No!" She shouts sounding offended, "She may have tortured me but I'm not a monster, neither is she. She was trying to protect us." Hermione cries as Ron wraps his arms around her walking her down the staircase. I scream out at the top of my lungs. We had finally got out of it, we were finally free. Blaise carefully moves her from his lap and places her on me, I hold her lifeless body in my arms. The most precious thing that I have ever held in my arms. I remember her laugh, her warmth, her smart mouth. I crumble on top of her and weep into her hair. I should never have left her alone and all to save a Ravenclaw.

I want to die. My whole world is dark, I will never get to tell her how much I love her. If we had just stayed on his side, If I had just listened to her, she wouldn't be laying here dead in my arms. Blaise's arm rests on my shoulder, I know I have to let her go, I know I have to move her, but I can't.

"You said you would never leave me Grayling." I cry my hands holding her tight. I sit up and look at her pale face and my stomach churns.

"I won't." She breathes.

"Blaise! Get help!" I yell. Blaise looks at me confused.

"She's alive you bloody fool! Get help!" I Snap

Blaise rushes towards the professors, I pray that someone in this castle has forgiven us enough to save her life, no healing spell that I know will fix this. Mr Weasley runs up the stairs followed by Hermione and Ron, Mr Weasley looks down at Willows dark mark surrounded by scars as she lay in my lap. He pauses for a moment.

"She nearly died, trying to save us dad." Ron says,

"And she saved me twice." Ginny adds. I had never noticed the good Willow had done.

"Then we will save her." Mr Weasley says lifting her from my arms.

"After all she is just a girl, who didn't have a choice." He whispers as I follow them towards the hospital. We walk in silence leaving Granger and the Weasley's behind. I look at Blaise nervously.

"There's no need to look so Nervous Draco. You too didn't have a choice. But in the end you made the right one, on your own. For that we will be forever grateful." It surprises me how forgiving these people can be, my own family would never be so understanding. I nod my head and keep quiet, deep chats has never really been my thing and especially not with a Weasley. We head into the hospital which is heaving with injured wizards. Mr Weasley places Willow on the bed. Pomfrey runs over and looks at her in horror. Mr Weasley whispers something to her and turns to me.

"She's very injured and this won't be pretty. I have the power to perform a profoundly serious spell on her, but it will cause her a great deal of pain. I suggest you sit in the corridor." Mr Weasley says placing his hand on my shoulder.

I look down at Willow and shake my head. "I Won't leave her again , do what you must, I will stay." Mr Weasley nods at me and turns around to Willow. Raising his wand, he chants a spell, she screams in pain as her body convulses on the bed making me cringe. This will be a long day.

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