56 - "Admitting the truth is the hardest part."

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"How're you feeling?"

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"How're you feeling?"

I've barely been in the hospital for two hours. After countless X-rays, the doctors informed me I had punctured nothing, but I've broken two ribs. My arm is broken, too. It had braced my fall when Tom landed close by.

I squeeze my eyes shut, brushing away the unwanted memory of him. I still didn't know Lucas's condition, and the longer it takes for the doctors to give me anything, the more worried I'm becoming.

"Like I've just fallen down a flight of stairs," I rasp, gritting my teeth from the pain. They've given me a heavy dose of morphine, and I can feel the drowsiness beginning to settle in.

Tea stands clutching her arm to her chest, tear tracks beginning to dry. "I'm so sorry, Cora," she croaks. "I'm so sorry that I wasn't with you when you found out."

I close my eyes again, wanting to diminish the image of mum, struggling for her life when Tom no doubt ended it five years ago. I hope he has the decency to tell us where he's buried her. I don't think I can deal with too much more of the unknown.

A sob wracks through my chest and I'm heaving in pain, biting my lip. Teagan tentatively wraps her arms around me as I cry harder, trying desperately to stop but being unable to control it.

I've lost her this time; it's real. She's gone. There is no more hope left. No more clues. I think I've really solved the case, and more than ever, I wish I hadn't. I wish that I still had hope that she's out there; that she'll come back for me.

"I love you so much," she cries into my shoulder. "And I promise you — I promise you — everyone is going to be there for you."

She pulls away, perching on the side of my bed. She wipes away my stray tears as I sob. Cameron is outside the door, standing against the wall as he speaks urgently into his phone.

"Who's he calling?" I whisper, hiccuping. "Ry?"

"Yeah," Teagan nods, turning briefly to stare at her boyfriend. "Wes and Dor are already on their way."

"I don't think I'm up to seeing anyone else," I admit, defeated. "I think—I think I just need some space. To wrap my head around everything. To—to call my dad and..."

Informing dad that mum is really gone shatters me again. I don't want to have to hear the intake of breath through the other end, my inability to stop crying as he listens to me. I don't want him to be standing there alone, surrounded by people he doesn't even know.

"Okay," Teagan smiles, softly. She brushes my hair from my dampened cheeks, standing from the bed. "I'll let Cameron know."

She walks swiftly from the door, shutting it closed gently, like she's afraid just about anything will break me entirely.

I suck in a breath, unable to steady my breathing as I stare at two of my friends. Cameron pulls the phone away from his ear briefly, embracing Teagan in a hug. I watch as her shoulders shake. I'd forgotten that for the past three years, this has been the one constant of my friend's summers. That now, the case is officially closed and that it doesn't just affect my life.

With shaky hands, I reach for my phone, noticing the miss calls from Ryan. He'd called one minute ago. I drop it next to me, staring numbly into my lap. Despite everything I had found out tonight, it still doesn't feel real. I still picture mum, walking through the front doors to our house one day; casually wrapping her arms around my neck and telling me she's home. I wouldn't even question her, I'd just hold on tighter, praying that she never disappears again.

But that is a little girl's fantasy. It isn't often in my life where I have to remind myself that this is the actual world, that bad things can happen to good people, that some will get more opportunities based on their social status. But it's as if I've forgotten all along that life is not perfect. That my mum only left because Tom murdered her.

The doors open again, and Teagan walks in behind a sullen-looking Cameron. "Ry really wants to talk to you, CeCe," Cameron says, tenderly.

"I can't," I shake my head. "I don't want to have to say the words out loud again. Admitting the truth is the hardest part," I speak.

"Okay," he nods, kissing the top of my head. "I love you. We're all going to be here for you now. You know that, right?"

"I know," I nod, slowly. "I love you, guys. Family."

"Family," they both chorus, wearing matching solemn expressions.

Cameron's phone vibrates and I notice Ryan's caller ID brighten the screen. He lets it go to voice mail and I'm suddenly grateful. Grateful that he understands. Grateful that he's always seemed to understand my perspective.

"I'm so glad you two are finally together," I manage the barest of smiles, but even that hurts my soul. Like trying to be happy isn't right when I've just lost my mother. Like I'm disgracing her somehow.

"Me too," Cameron agrees, chuffed. "Long time coming," he whispers.

My phone vibrates this time, and I look down, expecting it to be Ryan calling again. Instead, it's Rhys. I think about answering it for a few seconds, remembering his worried expression as he followed me towards the back of the ambulance. It had hurt when they'd shut the doors and I lost him in a sea of my pain. Once I was alone, my thoughts really crept in. The paramedics worked around me as I realised just exactly what had happened.

"Did you want me to answer it instead?" Tea prompts. "I could tell him now isn't the best time."

I nod painfully, scooping up the phone for her to answer. She walks towards the window, looking down upon the hospital carpark. I'd been in this same room only days prior. Never in a million years could I have guessed how much time I'd be spending in a hospital this summer.

"Still no news on Lucas?" I ask Cameron.

He shakes his head. "They haven't been able to tell me anything. I saw Katie and your—and Kevin Winter arrive a few minutes ago. They both looked out of place. Like they weren't sure what they were doing here."

Guilt is eating away at me. I should have never brought Lucas into my investigation.

"I should have never—"

"CeCe," Cameron sighs, "it isn't like you forced the guy to come with you. There is no point blaming yourself for this."

"I still—"

I stop when my phone clatters out of Teagan's hand, hitting the floor with a loud thwack. She's shaking all over as she turns to face us; pale.

"Tea," Cameron breathes, striding towards her. "What's wrong?"

I forget about my phone and it's likely shattered screen, focusing on my best friend as she opens and closes her mouth, placing a hand against her throat.

"What's happened?" I whisper, dread sitting heavy in my stomach.

Then suddenly, she sobs, pursued by a laugh. She covers her mouth with a hand, shaking her head in disbelief. "CeCe. Oh god, CeCe."

"What, Tea? What's going on?"

She smiles at me, tears streaming down her face. "They've found her, Cora. They've found your mother. Alive."

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