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1. Name ------just call me shyshy

2. Age ------18

3. Gender --------- female obviously

4. Fears-----heights, flying roaches

5. Likes--------- football, cheesy fries, reading , singing , Pepsi, nuggets, jerk chicken etc

6. Dislikes-------- fakers, mixed vegetables, slow walkers ( not really a dislike but I don't like walking with someone slow because I walk extremely fast and then they'd annoy me to wait ), waking up early (like just no) etc

7. Height ----------5'2"

8. Why did write this book------------- firstly because I got the idea, secondly because I love femdom books or bdsm books and lastly I was tired of females being portrayed as weak in most books, so I wanted to create a book a little role reverse.

9. Movie type------ if its not a scary movie or action movie then I'm not watching it. You'll not get me to sit down and watch a romance movie UNLESS its titanic .

10. Personality ------- silly, life of the group(if I'm up to it), the counselor among my friends (just something I've grown into as they also confide in me), the shy one but also the one that when I'm comfortable around you , you'll either be laughing , annoyed or angry. I'm the type that really don't care what people say negative about me as long as I'm happy with myself then know  that I'm just going to keep being me.

11. Music-------Rap, Gospel (to be more specific rap Gospel )

13. Worst experience -------- can't be said so I'll just tell you this one.....so a couple weeks ago I tried doing a backflip on a trampoline and let's just say my back hurts bad.....but guess what as soon as soon as its all better , guess who's gonna do that backflio again?

13. Best experience ------ to see how much support I'm getting on my book (love you guys 😘) and every time I manage to get a good grade on chemistry 😂😭)

14. Future career ------ chef and pediatrician

15. Friend groups -------- so I have to TWO friend groups, for my two personalities. The first one consists of two people and this group represents my personality of dedication; these two persons ensure to smack me in my head with a bottle if I fall asleep in class (while taking pictures for future embarrassment ) and also I complete assignments.

The second group represent my personality of being too corrupted for this world, this actually doesn't really like hanging with the two persons of the first group because they think they're stock up. This group contains four people. Spend two days with them and your mind will forever be corrupted .

I know these six persons in all for about SIX years. All of us would occasionally spend time together as one big group when we feel up to it.

I think this is it😌, so feel free to answer any one of the questions you want to answer as I also want to get to know my readers 🙃

Byeeee 👋

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