Chapter 2: Troubling Weather

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--Centuries later, Present Day--

Katherine's POV

The troubles of one's mind and the thoughts within the soul bring forth a long-forgotten pain only to be remembered by those who sow the reward.

If only time could tell the fate of one's life, how much time would be saved? Destiny, however, laughs in the face of time, mocking its existence for being nothing but a measure that means nothing compared to its counterpart.

However long, wherever it may be, the once-forgotten pain along with destiny will turn back to mock your existence before moving to its next victim.

- N.A. Ainsley

I spent my entire summer studying the works of Ainsley, his writings seem to have a way of speaking to me.

As I closed the book in my hands, this was the most appropriate thing that could describe what I felt.

I felt destiny was playing with me, it was waving the comforts of life in front of me but for some reason, I couldn't seem to grasp it.

"It's very troubling weather, you should get in soon darling," The head housemaid, Eleanor suggested, persuading me to come inside, yet I didn't want to.

It felt almost peaceful watching the clouds start to get darker, heavy. I've needed peace like this for several days.

I've been very disturbed ever since Queen Orizelle died, may her soul rest in peace. The whole idea of what might have happened to her put everyone on edge.

"I will, soon" I replied, still looking at the sky, silently refusing to leave the only thing that's brought me comfort, however, I could tell it will rain soon so I complied.

"Lady Morgan gave me the night off, I'm going to bed now. I suggest you do the same dear, a good night's rest will do you good," Eleanor placed her hand on my shoulder and smiled at me, almost knowingly, and left quietly.

I couldn't help but take heed to her words, she's the mother I never had, her and Lady Morgan.

While sighing, I stood up and walked to my room, as I got ready for bed, I had this unsettling feeling that things would change.

Though I couldn't tell if things would change for the better or for the worse.

I woke up the following morning with the same unsettling feeling I had last night. Maybe taking a walk would help ease my discomfort.

"This is outrageous! You cannot and will not come onto my land and demand for me to abide by the wishes of what? A sorcerer? My answer is no and will stay no!" a voice I recognized all too well shouted.

What's going on? I could hear Lady Morgan shouting all the way from my quarters. Who would make such demands enough to enrage her? She's always been known for her calmness. Whatever it is, it must be very serious.

"My Lady, you have to understand. This is for the good of the kingdom, she's the heir to the throne." I've never heard such a voice before, it sounded like that of a male, it was commanding yet understanding, almost soothing.

"She's merely a child, she's barely of age, my Lord," Lady Morgan sounded defeated, almost pleading.

"The kingdom doesn't have the time to be without it's Queen, we need her now. I will ask of you one more time, bring me the heir to the throne, Katherina Daventin!"

I couldn't help but panic slightly, I ran downstairs towards the maid's quarters to Eleanor's room but there was no one inside. I quickly searched around but I couldn't find her.

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