Chapter 21: And The Tournament Continues

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Katherine's POV

After the first day of the tournament matches, the officials decided to make only the first day mandatory for everyone to watch.

The last few matches are today and tomorrow, obviously, classes continued as normal which meant we couldn't watch the rest of the matches unless we had a break. Most people usually eat their lunch in the arena cause it was basically live entertainment.

I just finished my classes for the day, Alice and I decided to watch a few of the matches held after school. I wasn't really interested in looking at the bloody gore but for Alice, I had agreed.

This time, however, it was just Llewellyn and Professor Dane here to judge, there were others on the first day but I guess it was just a courteous act for them to be on the panel.

Truth be told, I had been feeling at odds the past few days, I felt useless. It seemed that I, myself wasn't expected to do anything but be the face of the kingdom.

Alice had been ranting about how Alex's opponent cheated by using her powers to set the ground on fire, which had burnt Alex's feet badly.

Although he was a werewolf, he still had to stay off his feet for a while for it to completely heal, so Nicole was staying with him.

I pretty much zoned out after her first few sentences, it's not that I didn't want to listen, but truthfully, I find peace in silence, something I seem only able to find in my head.

"It's almost supper, I think we should head back," I winced while staring at the boy that received a blast of energy to his chest from his opponent.

Alice gasped and shook her head, "We just got here," her eyes were still glued to the centre of the arena.

"Don't worry about it, I can head back myself," she simply nodded and I adjusted my shirt and headed for the exit.

Even though the tunnel was dimly lit, it wasn't any less creepy. It seems to have been built before the school had been renovated.

Mr. Logan had mentioned the royal academy had been around since the beginning of the war, maybe they didn't see the need to redo the tunnels that led to the arena.

I finally got up to my room and I changed out of my uniform to something a bit comfier and I threw on one of the velvet robes to provide warmth. Summer was meeting its end and the weather was not much in our favour.

Dinner was in twenty minutes but I decided to walk around the halls for a bit and get accustomed to the school's layout.

I walked towards the stairs that lead to the sixth floor, I've never been up here before. Did the academy have an attic?

By the time I reached the level, I realized it was much different from the fourth and floor that had a common space and a very dormitory looking array.

This was much more luxurious in a traditional way. Well, this was how things were nowadays, everyone was so traditional and the old ways were highly valued. Those that held titles were meant to be addressed as such, there was a definite hierarchy in society.

The chandelier hung still on the high ceiling, brightening up the place. There were several paintings, paintings of families. I walked towards the one at the farthest end and it was simply a painting of one woman.

She was beautiful, her hair was a dark raven with piercing grey eyes that mesmerize one's being. Her well structured facial features did nothing but enhance her beauty, it looked like her jawline could cut through you if you touched it.

Her eyes shined momentarily which had me taken aback, I looked at it from different angles but I didn't see the twinkle again, I could've sworn that I had seen it initially.

I was completely captivated by the painting, I didn't even notice that I was no longer alone. My eyes focused and saw a figure standing behind me through the glass covering the painting.

My heart dropped as I turned around and saw who it was, "You're back," I breathed trying to regulate my heart rate.

"What makes you think I left Katherina?" Lucian smirked while he continued staring at the painting instead of making eye contact with me.

The small space between us started to make me feel uncomfortable so I moved to the next painting on the wall. "You were gone." I didn't really know for sure but I didn't need a reason to explain how I know, I just do.

We stayed in silence for a little while, I simply continued to examine the paintings, "These are paintings of the reign of leaders in Nydisia," I turned my head slightly to look at him only to find his piercing red eyes staring right back.

I averted my gaze and moved to the next painting, I could hear his footsteps indicating he followed me but still maintained a respectable distance.

"I briefly had to make an appearance in front of the people on the behalf of the throne, Katherina," I remained quiet not knowing what to say to him, it seemed he mistook my silence for anger. I only hummed in response to what he had said.

I could still feel his gaze on the back of my head as he spoke, "I vividly remembered last time we talked you said you felt unsafe around me,"

"My Lord, you seem to have mistaken my intentions," Due to Lucian's height, when I turned around I had to strain my neck to look into his eyes. "I simply meant, there are better ways to get someone accustomed to you than being forceful all the time,"

"You believe I was being forceful," he ridiculed and a deep laugh escaped his throat making me smile almost. Almost. "I will take that into consideration, Katherina,"

"Good," I nodded as I raised my head to acknowledge his efforts which caused him to stare at me with amusement.

Truthfully, I didn't like how it felt under his gaze, he himself was scary but that wasn't the reason I felt uncomfortable. It was because of the intensity of his gaze, it was like he could see through my soul making me feel slightly naked in front of him.

"How have the tournaments been going? Is this enough for your army?" I asked curiously, I've barely watched any of the battles so it was only fitting to hear his opinion on the matter.

"This should be enough to keep us going and encourage more people in the Kingdom to enlist," I simply nodded knowing this already was a relief for him. "They will need intense training however which could take a few months,"

"What would that mean for the rebellion?"

"Don't worry, I'll keep you safe," He began to walk away from me but I stopped him.

"Lucian," he hummed in response, "a few moments ago I saw the painting's eyes glisten, is that normal?"

His brows furrowed as he looked at me, "Which one?" I pointed to the very first painting I went to and his frown deepened, "Are you sure?"

"Absolutely," before I could stop him for the second time he was already out of my line of sight.

Did that mean it happened often? I was tempted to go look for him but I went against it.

I tightened my robe and made my way downstairs and began to head to the dining hall but not before giving the painting one more glance. Mhm, odd.


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