Chapter 3: General Williams

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General Williams' POV

--The Cyrene Kingdom, City of Neim, Neim Border--

"We should be heading back to Eraregord, they've been expecting you," Llewellyn, my second in command and the captain of the C.L. Charter, said.

We've delayed our stay at Neim long enough. The royal court had requested my presence for the arrival of the queen.

In my eyes, she's not Queen until she's proven she's worth the title.

Queen Orizelle, my mother, was fond of messing around with the Cardinal and trying to make me King. I assumed her actions would put her in prison but I never thought she would die for it.

"Are you going to be brooding the entire ride cause if you are, I'd be more than happy to let you walk your way to the castle?" I looked up and chuckled a little at his remark.

"I'm touched, I didn't think you'd notice especially after coming home with that red-haired beauty you thought would go unnoticed." A low smirk started to form on my face as I gathered my load for the guards to place in the vehicle, when I glanced up his expression was enough to throw me into a fit of laughter.

I walked out of the tent towards the car only to turn back yell, "Don't worry, I won't tell Clarissa a thing," I let laughter flow through me once more because I knew I didn't have to tell Clarissa a thing for her to realize he was unfaithful again.

"Load the car we'll leave at noon and don't be mistaken anyone not here at noon will be left behind," I don't want to delay our stay here any longer than we already have.

"Yes General," The Neim soldiers that accompanied us were meant to assure that we'd arrive at the palace safely, though communications were a bit rough considering English was not their mother tongue.

Mercenaries were rumoured to have taken control of the trade from surrounding cities to Neim, and would sell to Neim citizens at thrice the price, directly bleeding the civilians of their hard-earned money.

The majority of the population of the people in Neim city were humans, though knowing of our existence, the fear that had shown through their eyes upon our arrival very much resembled the fear their ancestors once had.

The current ruler of Cyrene sent word to Nydisia to take care of the issue but due to our army lacking in numbers Captain Llewellyn and I had to take care of the matter while the remainder of the army trained at the base.

We have been infiltrating the trade to gain back control of the trade for the past six months after my mother died.

The other kingdoms can't be aware of our current disadvantage regarding our army, if so they will aim to take the kingdom and the cardinal with them.

What baffles me is that Cyrene could've taken care of the mercenary threat themselves, however, the kingdom already seems to be aware of Nydisia's state.

They seem to be testing the waters, either way, we have to tread carefully, the rebellion is giving us enough trouble.

Ever since the decree was signed the Zelanian Kingdom has been trying to get their hands on the cardinal and overthrow Nydisia as the reigning kingdom.

As it is if word was to get out about our army to the Zelanian ruler, we might not be able to withstand an attack from both Zelania and the rebellion.

--Approaching the castle, Center of Eraregord, Sunset--

"How does it feel to be back General Williams?" Llewellyn smirked almost knowingly, I instantly knew he was talking about Victoria.

I assumed a position in the Kingdom's army due to my devious mother and the royal court at a young age, conveniently taking me away from Victoria.

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