Chapter 28: Have You Gone Mad?

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Katherine's POV

I got back to my room pretty late, the ball continued up until the early morning but I couldn't last that long.

After Lucian and I had dinner we were supposed to meet with a few officials but by that time I was already falling asleep on his shoulder, so we decided to postpone it to today at lunch.

Lucian and I have been sitting at the dining table for lunch for about an hour, it seemed some of the officials were running late as only four had arrived instead of the intended twelve.

One of them had suggested that we wait half an hour longer, but I could tell Lucian's patience was already being tested.

He was seated at the end of the table, and I sat directly to his right, while the other officials spread out across the table.

Llewellyn was supposed to attend as well, but he had to do something important.

I found out, Rio, who I had met before was working under the second son of one of the dukes in Nydisia. It was normal for the court to seek out collaboration with dukes seeing as they usually own most of the land in Nydisia, asides from the royals.

"I think it's best we start now to avoid wasting any more of my time," Lucian sneered gritting through his teeth. Seeing as only three more officials arrived, there was no point waiting for the remaining five.

One of the older officials cleared his throat then spoke out, "Firstly, I would like to point of His Highness incapabilities of handling impending threats to the kingdom,"

Lucian's red eyes darken, "And what incapabilities would that be?" It was clear to see Lucian didn't like the fact that he was being challenged. I mean he's a dominant vampire who is also an alpha, it wasn't hard to notice his annoyance.

"For over two years now the rebellion has been a constant threat, your mother couldn't handle it and now that she's dead, it seems you can't handle it either," the man spoke with such confidence like he was so sure Lucian couldn't handle the throne.

As for Lucian's expression, it was blank throughout. All that could be seen through him was the irritation that shone through his eyes. The man continued, "That is why I would like to pass the notion to both the officials and the council after this meeting is over, to appoint someone more fit for the job,"

"Do you have any suggestions, Samuel?" A man who looked to be in his 40s questioned.

"My nephew is a good example, he would be able to diligently handle everyone's concerns," Samuel huffed while scanning the room for the approval of others.

Everyone turned to Lucian for a response, "Next time you wish to suggest the role of kingship to your nephew, at least make sure he is present," the man cowered back into his seat flushed from the embarrassment caused.

Lucian's statement was enough to win back the other officials who secretly thought Samuel was making a good suggestion.

"At least tell us what progress you've made with controlling the situation?" a woman who looked about the same age as Lucian asked.

"So far our goal to prevent any more deaths and find out what their plan is, it's been months since their last attack and I believe the reason for this is because they're getting ready for their endgame," Lucian's right, before when his mother was Queen, the rebellion's attacks were constant, they had a pattern to it but now it's just silence.

"That's a pretty passive approach for an aggressive opponent," I wouldn't refer to this passive, it was more like being careful because a lot of this can go wrong when you jump headfirst into something.

"I say we send out soldiers and slaughter anyone that is seen as a rebel," this Samuel guy lacks brain cells.

"What you just said is the entire reason why there is a rebellion in the first place-," before I could continue speaking Samuel cut me off.

"Who are you? And who gave you the right to speak among officials?" I was about to tell him to go to hell but Lucian beat me to it.

"I did," I half wasn't expecting Lucian to back me up but knowing he was backing me up made me feel a lot stronger.

"Have you gone mad? The only way I'll accept her presence is if she is to be our lunch right after!" Samuel exclaimed.

"It seems you have a death wish? My word is final," Lucian said glaring while using his dominant tone. Whenever stronger vampires used their dominant tone, it is very hard to disobey them.

Samuel immediately held his tongue as someone else spoke up, "And has the cardinal chosen a queen yet, it never takes this long?"

"The process can't be rushed, even Lucian has no control over that," the woman spoke once again. Only select people knew about me being Queen, my life would be in even more danger if everyone knew.

At that moment, a tall muscular man made his way past the entrance and walked towards the opposite end of the head of the table. "It's nice of us to grace us with your presence, Michael," Lucian said.

"It's nice to be here," his eyes flashed to me momentarily before taking his seat.

"Your uncle continues to persist on testing the limits of my patience," oh, so Michael was Samuel's nephew.

Michael was good-looking, his skin was deeply tanned and his green eyes had a certain glint in them.

"Have you been able to get any leads?" Michael said. I noticed Rio glance at Lucian slyly, was I missing something? Michael also seemed to have noticed this exchange and frowned slightly.

"Unfortunately not, I will be personally travelling soon to be on top of the matter, you all can be rest assured," when Lucian finished speaking he gestured for the maids to take away his plate and abruptly stood up.

"I have other things to attend to," he said while gesturing for me to leave with him. I quickly grabbed on to it and we left the dining hall together.

"Where are we going?" I said following behind him closely.

"To the throne room, Rio will meet us there shortly," he said, I caught onto his arm to hold him back.

"I meant when you said we were travelling again?" I knew Lucian wouldn't leave me anywhere by myself so it was clear that I would be going along with him.

"We're not going anytime soon," he was about to continue walking but I stopped him again.

"Are you not worried about what the officials said? Do you not think we're taking too much of a passive approach?" I didn't like watching the way Samuel drilled him at the meeting, but I was worried that he had a point.

Lucian stepped closer to me and put his hand on my shoulders and gently squeezed them, "Trust that I know what I'm doing, Katherine," I continued to gaze into his warm eyes that were now turning hazel.

I nodded and smiled at him, he seemed satisfied with my response and led me back to my room. "Wait for me here until I come to get you, I have to speak to one of the Elders,"

After entering my room, I immediately went to the balcony for some fresh air. I wish I had some of my books with me, this would be the perfect time to have a little afternoon reading and a nap.

I'll have to ask Lucian to take me to that castle library one of these days, it's been a while since I indulged in my guilty pleasure.

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