Chapter 15: First Day of School

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Katherine's POV

Yesterday, one of the staff members had dropped by with supplies for my first day and a few extra things courtesy of Llewelyn.

The box contained several variations of the school uniform, about four different types of flats, combat boots, and running shoes.

I noticed about five sweaters, a cardigan, a pullover, a zip-up, a crewneck, a hoodie, and a soft cotton jacket.

The cardigan was probably my favourite one.

Truth be told I felt a little out of place mainly because my life now felt so different from the life I grew up with.

I didn't exactly know what to expect. I haven't been outside this room in two days, but three times a day the kitchen staff would drop meals off for me.

I picked up one of the school's ties that I received and placed it against my face. The material felt so pleasant against the skin.

The different variations of sports uniform on the side made me chuckle. As if I would ever attend training, I scoffed silently.

There were other things in the box but I was already sleepy when they dropped it off so I didn't finish looking.

Early this morning they had dropped off another box but this one contained my school books, about two school bags, a map of the school, and my timetable.

Yesterday, the woman had explained that I was to start my lessons today. I was in a three-room suite and I thought Lucian and Llewellyn were in the other rooms but apparently, they had been moved to their own individual suites on the floor above.

I had asked the woman where I could find them considering I haven't seen or talked to either of them since I arrived.

Today was Tuesday and according to my timetable I only had four classes but I was quite sure how to identify where those classes would be held.

According to the schedule, breakfast was held in three intervals before 12, there's the early morning one from 5:30 am to 6:30 am then another from 7:00 am to 8:30 am and then the last interval was from 9:30 am to 11:00 am.

I looked at the time and I realized it was already 9, I slowly scooted out of bed trying not to trip on anything considering I hadn't arranged anything since I arrived.

I took off my clothes and took a hot bath, I noticed the scented essential oils on the side but I was running late.

I hadn't seen either Lucian or Llewelyn since two days ago, I know they're still around, Lucian mentioned something about training recruits here at the school instead of taking them back to the castle.

I slowly stepped out of the bath only to be greeted by the cold chill in the air. I quickly got dressed when I realized it was already 9:15.

I quickly threw on my uniform and only sparing myself a quick glance before grabbing the map, my timetable, and putting the books I would need for my classes today in my bag.

I headed for the main floor as that's where the map said the cafeteria would be.

I couldn't decide between taking the stairs which would give me the time to calm my nerves or the elevator.

Considering I was four stories up I decided on the elevator. The entire way down my heart was pounding, one could say I was nervous but me nervous? No way! Who am I lying to, my palms were sweaty making everything I held very slippery.

I took a left turn based on the directions of the map and when I had got to the dining I saw what looked like at least three hundred students, the halls were filled with loud chatter. I instantly regretted not taking a proper glance at myself before coming down.

I was about to walk towards the open view of the dining but my shirt was a bit messy. I yanked my uniform and adjusted it appropriately, I checked one of the reflective glasses ahead of me to check if I still looked nice.

My skirt was mid-thigh and I had socks that reached up to my knees with slim black flats. My short-sleeved shirt was perfectly straightened with my black sweater over me not leaving my arms exposed, while my full dark brown hair was pulled in a tight ponytail resting in the middle of my back.

I was naturally small so the way the school's uniform complimented my body was quite different from the things I had worn before.

I carefully walked into the dining and I noticed how there were several entrances to the dining, the hall was massive and it made the appearance of roughly three hundred students in one room look small, the ceiling was at least 25 meters high, probably higher and the huge glass montage was magnificent, it literally took my breath away.

There were several rows of long tables ahead, however, there was one table that stood out immediately and it was the most prestigious looking one. I couldn't help but smile, all this felt so nice.

I was about to move away from the middle of the hallway when a beautiful blonde girl with bright blue eyes stopped in front of me and smiled. "Hi! I'm Elizabeth, you must be Katherine?"

Before I had a chance to respond she already interlocked our hands and continued to talk. "Come sit with me and my friends," she helps my hand and sped us off with her inhuman speed to where I presume her friends are.

I couldn't help but be a little dizzy and whiplashed from the speed but I tried not to show it so I wouldn't embarrass myself.

"Ah, hey," I said looking around awkwardly with a whole bunch of red eyes staring at me and a few brown ones as well. I was tempted to start squirming but I stood my ground. I knew vampires hate weakness so I tried not to show any.

"Everyone this is Katherine," Elizabeth gestured to me and I saw the two other girls and two of the boys smile at me to which I returned while the other two guys smirked and a girl off to the side rolled her eyes making me avoid eye contact with her.

"I'm Alice, this is my brother, Alexander, and his mate, Nicole and her twin brother Nicolian," the girl with jet black curly hair said, okay so the girl Alice was sitting beside is Nicole and her mate who was whispering something in her ear is also Alice's brother and the guy sitting beside Alex was Nicolian.

"We're fraternal twins of course, who would ever want to look like that," Nicole chuckled and the rest of us joined asides from Nicolian who was rolling his eyes.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Katherine, I'm Colin," he smirked as he grabbed my hand and kissed it. I tried not to blush but I slowly retreated my hand back and smiled at him.

"You're such a creep Cole," the guy beside him said then turned to me and smiled, "I'm Henry, the first of course," I couldn't help but laugh at his reference.

He had one of those charming faces that could keep you enchanted for days.

"Melissa, aren't you going to say anything?" Elizabeth after the girl that had previously rolled her eyes at me and she scoffed and left the table. What was her problem?

"Sorry about that, she's like that at times, don't take it personally, she's not that bad when you get to know her," Elizabeth whispered to me and gestured for me to sit beside her.

There was already a plate on the table in front of every seat and the food had already been laid out on each row. The food was probably more than enough to feed a battalion.

"I don't mean to be rude but how do you know me?" I said looking at Elizabeth while putting a few sausages on my plate.

"Oh right, you have no idea! I'm Llewelyn's younger sister and Nicole and Nico are cousins with Lucian, they asked us to keep an eye out for you," My eyes widen when Elizabeth explained who they were, I don't know why but I wasn't really expecting either Llewelyn or Lucian to be family-oriented, I guess I was wrong.


Tales of the Throne: QueenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora