Chapter 23: It's Official, He's Trying To Kill Me.

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Katherine's POV

"You seem to know more about the rebellion than what you're telling me, what exactly do they have planned?" I questioned as he took a step away from me and walked towards the open balcony leaving open the glass door.

Subconsciously, my feet followed in that direction as well until I was merely a few paces behind him.

The view in his room was breathtaking, we were so high up I didn't even notice when my breath hitched in my throat.

"You were right, Katherina," his attention was still captured by the stars in the night sky.

My eyebrows furrowed together as I walked towards him, "I was right about what?" I scanned my thoughts to try and match what Lucian was referring to but I was still confused.

"The reason we couldn't find who orchestrated the attacks is that they're not in the kingdom," I wrapped my hands tighter around my robe feeling the air become significantly colder.

"I sent for a few soldiers to quietly observe the cities in Zelania and Cyrene that border around Nydisia," It was reasonable for him to do that, seeing as the other two kingdoms were in control of Nydisia.

But from time to time Zelania would deliberately cause trouble. Everyone knew this.

"At first it seemed like an odd occurrence but the more I looked into it, the more I realized what they've been trying to do," Lucian isn't someone you would take as a fool, in the little time I've known him, everything he does is very calculated and precise.

"Which is?" I asked, it was clear enough to see the rebellion couldn't fight against Nydisia the way they are now without someone giving them an upper hand.

After all this time, did Lucian finally tear his gaze from the night sky to turn and look at me, "I suppose you are unfamiliar with the common werewolf folklore?"

I nodded to confirm his assumptions, I didn't really know too much about supernaturals let alone werewolves until now.

Humans mostly stayed in their own lane and had minimal interaction with them so the majority of these things that were common knowledge in their world were unfamiliar to humans who were unaware.

"The elders in the werewolf community believe the moon goddess granted the world an opportunity of freedom from wars by sending the stones that gave birth to the Cardinal, zircon and obsidian," Okay that I knew, most werewolves believed in the moon goddess because they believe their power comes from the moon.

"How sure are you? I mean that all of this is a fairy tale?" I asked, Lucian, seemed to talk about the legend in disbelief.

"I don't believe in the moon goddess, she's a tale mothers tell their children to grant them hope," he said completely unfazed by the idea of a moon goddess.

"So, the stones aren't real?" If he's saying they're not real then where did the Cardinal come from?

Lucian shook his head, "No, the stones are very much real. The stone of destruction, obsidian, and the stone of creation, zircon, are the only things that can completely destroy the cardinal."

"That's what they want, isn't it?" I walked up to the edge of the balcony and held onto the railing as chills went up to my spine from trying to resist the cold from the wind.

If the rebellion can get their hands on the zircon and obsidian stone, they wouldn't need a war to win, they would win by default.

It wouldn't even be a war, it would be a massacre.

"Where are the stones now?"

"The zircon is safe, as for the obsidian no one has seen it since before the old age," if that's the case then why are they betting on that as their game plan?

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