Chapter 7: Bruised

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Katherina's POV

Considering I've been here less than a week and I didn't get a chance to bring clothes from home, I didn't really have much to pack but Lily took it upon herself to load my bag with training gear and clothing.

I couldn't help but stare at the garden from my room balcony as the sun was starting to rise. I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't even notice Lily while she was trying to get my attention.

"The Captain is requesting your presence, my lady, I've already taken your bag downstairs. I wish you a safe journey." she grinned wholeheartedly at me. I smiled back, Lily has become my closest, if not only companion here, I'll miss her.

As I made my way downstairs, which took quite a while cause my room is on the third floor, out of several, I crossed paths with Lord Killian.

He simply nodded my way as Lily greeted him, "Do you fancy him?" I giggled wondering why Lily is always fidgety around him. Her eyes widened in shock as she quickly shook her head and pulled me away from the scene of the crime.

"Why are we walking? Why can't we just drive there?" I wasn't quite sure as to why we planned on walking, it'd be a much quicker drive.

Lily shook her head, "Lucian had mentioned something about not wanting the people to know he wasn't at the Kingdom," I let out a silent oh, "he said that he'll use the opportunity to test your endurance," she said while smirking, I rolled my eyes thinking about it.

He really doesn't need to test my endurance. I can tell him how horrible my endurance is just fine. I inwardly groaned thinking about how he just might make me run all the way to the academy.

Lucian was next level scary, not because of his personality, but because of what he has the power to do.

It was unsettling thinking about how he could just easily kill someone that was human-like without batting an eye.

Soon after we were approaching the castle entrance were stood Captain Llewellyn and the General.

I haven't seen Lucian since earlier this week, whereas the Captain has been keeping me informed.

He looks different, Lucian I mean, he briefly made eye contact with me before walking towards the royal court.

I hugged Lily goodbye, grabbed my bag, and hurriedly tried to catch up with the Captain when I noticed he was following shortly behind Lucian.

We've been walking for about an hour in complete silence, one could feel the tension in the air.

Moreover, cause Llewellyn and Lucian were supernatural they were walking pretty fast every so often I'd have to jog to catch up to them.

The silence was becoming almost unbearable for me. "Is there something I'm missing?" I shouted in a lame attempt to get their attention.

Lucian kept walking forward but Llewellyn slowed down till I caught up to him and what he said afterward left me stunned.

"On the outskirts of Eraregord, a couple of settlements were raided and burnt down. Some of the settlers were taken, others were killed, the people are scared and they need a sense of security. Daniel blames Lucian for that, he wants for Lucian to be branded to ensure his commitment to the kingdom and the throne, in other words, you." He looked at me but I didn't maintain eye contact for long as I was at loss for words, I had no idea the pressure placed on Lucian.

Guilt overwhelmed me when I realized I hadn't attempted to do anything as Queen to help the people. "Who would do such a thing?" I thought the closer you are to the capital city the safer it was.

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