Chapter 4: What? Is He Going To Kidnap Them Too?

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Katherina's POV

--Before the General's Arrival, Left Wing, In Her Quarters--

"The General will arrive soon and until the General arrives, attend to Miss Katherina. Take her around the castle, most especially help her settle down." I heard a familiar voice say to someone, my head was severely throbbing due to me bumping my head and all the crying, it felt slightly better as soft gentle hands placed ice all around my forehead.

I could hear footsteps approaching me, but my futile attempts to pretend to be sleeping clearly didn't fool the maid as she said, "Miss, I know you're awake," my eyes immediately swung open to see a girl of my calibre smiling at me. "My name is Lily, Lord Killian asked me to tend to your well being-,"

"Stop talking," I abruptly said interrupting her, I felt bad at my sudden outburst so I smiled at her instead, "Lily, is it? Where is Lord Killian if I may ask?"

"Uh, I'm not sure. He said he'd be back soon and that he was preparing for the arrival of the General and the Captain-," Lily started but again was interrupted by me.

"What? Is he going to kidnap them too?" I snorted out followed by laughter. I laughed even harder thinking about the irony and soon after Lily started chuckling too.

Slowly my amusement died down and reality set in. "Take me to Lord Killian," I demanded, Lily shuffled around at first but from the look on my face, she can tell I'm not in the mood for compromise, so she simply nodded and helped me up the bed as I followed closely behind her.

Not long after, we saw Lord Killian and an old-looking man having a conversation. I quietly observed as Lily approached them to get Lord Killian's attention.

He gestured for me to come forth and sit beside the old man. "I don't want to be here," I immediately blurted out staring blankly at the two male figures before me.

"Well, you don't exactly have a choice, my lady," Lord Killian plainly responded, treating me as if I was a whiny dog.

"I'm not the Queen you want me to be," I furrowed my brows frustratedly truly because I felt as though my concerns weren't being taken seriously, basically like I'm forced to play by their game.

The old man smiled, "I am Advisor Daniel," he passed me some drink with leaves in it towards me making me scrunch my nose in disgust, and then he spoke again. "My dear, no one intends for you to be Queen anytime soon, there is still time to get you accustomed. Everyone is born a blank slate, but then it's your decision if you want to remain that way." He stood and slowly walked away leaving just Killian and me.

"Don't worry, there are people on here to help you," Killian said breaking the silence, I just continued to glare at him. "Look, I'm sorry about the other day I didn't mean to hurt you if I did, I know how much your home must mean to you." he smiled apologetically. Well, at least he gets it.

"I still don't like you, besides despite the fact that I'm being held here against my will. I might actually enjoy this," I smirked thinking that things are not as bad as they seem, I'm pretty sure I can still visit them I thought, looking at all the cars they had available.

"Don't get used to that," Killian laughed quietly "You clearly haven't met any of the royal assholes in the castle yet." I couldn't help but chuckle, he's not as stuck up as I thought.

"If you need anything just let me know, I'm mostly in the court or perhaps the right-wing of the castle." He stood and nodded his head at me then towards Lily.

I just noticed that Lily was far enough to still be in calling distance but not enough to hear the conversation we just had.

The slight blush that appeared on Lily's cheeks weren't hard to miss as Lord Killian passed by her. I wanted to point it out but I decided it's not my place.

Throughout the rest of the day, I asked Lily to take me around the castle, gardens, and the royal court. The gardens were almost like that of a maze, Lily and I kept meeting dead ends.

"Lily, how long have you worked here?" I was curious as she seemed to know the castle like the back of her hand.

"I grew up here, my mother was the previous Queen's handmaiden, so after spending all your life within the walls of this place, it kind of gets embedded in your head," She and I laughed at her last statement.

I noticed something about her but I wasn't quite sure, "Are you human?" I blurted out and I immediately opened my mouth to apologize for asking such a question but she just smiled and answered me.

"I am of werewolf descent but the gene must've skipped a generation," I nodded in understanding and quickly changed the topic to avoid making her feel uncomfortable again.

We continued walking and met another dead end but luckily one of the gardeners was there and he kindly led us out but it truly was breathtaking and the fountain in the middle of the maze made it easy to find your way again as the sun would glisten against the water drops.

There was a lot of commotion about the arrival of the General and Captain. I couldn't help but wonder what they're like, I turned and asked Lily about the General.

"He is the son of Queen Orizelle, he was betrothed to Lady Victoria, the elder sister of Lord Killian. I'm not sure what happened but he cancelled his engagement and travelled to Cyrene - Neim City, regarding mercenaries taking over. While he was gone, his mother, the Queen, died." Lilly sighed then continued, "that's all I really know about him but if you want to know more, Lord Killian and the Captain were like brothers to him you should ask them."

"What about the Captain?" I still wanted to know more.

"Well there's not much to say about him, he barely stays in the royal court let alone the castle," Lily replied as we approached the room, soon after the noise outside magnified. It was past dusk as Lily and I rushed to see what was happening through my balcony.

I was held speechless as a carriage made for royalty approached the royal court in the far distance, two men stepped down from the carriage although I could barely see their faces. I had a feeling that it was the General and Captain, they had finally arrived.

Silently, I stared off into the sky, immediately I anticipated what tomorrow had in store for me, as I slowly started to accept my new life in the castle.


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