Chapter 18: What's The Occasion?

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Katherine's POV

He stood at my door holding a neatly wrapped box in his hands while smiling sheepishly at me, "On behalf of Lady Morgan,"

I couldn't help but smile when he mentioned Lady Morgan, I don't know why I thought she had long forgotten about me considering I'm not her only 'child'.

"What's the occasion?" I squealed excitedly wondering what it could be. I pushed open my door slightly so Llewelyn could come in.

He walked over to my desk which was next to the window (on the side that was closer to my bed) and placed the box there with a card on top.

"She asked Killian to send updates on how you're doing because of how worried she was," he turned around to face me then continued speaking. "Killian informed her a few days ago that you're now attending school at the academy for reasons including safety," it's not like Lady Morgan couldn't afford to send me to school at the academy but she was always worried that I'd get hurt here if I was all on my own, considering the fact that the academy was a boarding school.

"How is she?" I sighed, truth be told I miss the warmth she gave me just by being around her alone. "I mean, do you know?"

"Ah, where's Lucian?" I couldn't help but wonder where he was, I hadn't seen him in almost a week so I was naturally curious.

Llewelyn shook his head and patted my shoulder, "hang in there," he walked towards the exit but then turned around to say one thing, "I recommend you open that sooner rather than later," he chuckled once more and left the room.

What was inside? I stalked up to it and scanned the entire outer box. I lifted it and shook it a little and I heard some shuffling and some clanking. Mhm, so it's multiple things.

I couldn't hold in my curiosity anymore as I ripped apart the wrapping paper then took a pen and stabbed the tape holding the box together and ripped out the adhesive with my hand.

Oh, shoot! There was a card, I scrambled through the wrapper paper that fell on the carpet then I picked up the card to open it. There was only a phone number on it? I flipped it front and back to see if I was missing anything but that was it.

I placed the card on my desk and I carried the box to my bed so I could have a proper look. I picked on the first content and it was a phone.

I reached in and felt something soft, it was my teddy bear. I couldn't go anywhere with it that is of course until now, I reached back and placed it in between my pillows. I pulled out the things I needed for school and left them out on my table.

I had two nightstands beside my queen-sized bed and I placed my laptop on the left one.

I wanted to take a quick nap before the evening dinner but I remember Elizabeth, Alice, and Nicole saying they would come up to meet me.

I quickly went to go shower off the exhaustion from school.

I was beyond in love with my bathroom, it was a medium-sized mirror that was above the sink and facing the stand-up shower while the tub was on the other side.

I noticed there were other doors in the bathroom asides from the one that leads to my room.

I tried opening them a few days back but it didn't work. I was told that this was a four-room suite, meaning I'm supposed to have roommates but I think those rooms are empty.

Not too long after, considering I just wanted to feel fresh so I came out of the shower, I put on some black shorts and a grey tank top.

I shuffled my feet into the complimentary fluffy slippers from the school and I threw on the velvet robe I left hanging in my room.

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