Chapter 22: Who's Your Cousin?

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Katherine's POV

The chatter in the dining hall was relatively loud today, they were probably talking about the last day of the tournament which is tomorrow.

To be fair it makes sense why everyone was excited, I mean it's been a week and a half since it started.

I spotted Elizabeth and the others in the distance and I walked towards them. "I feel bad that I didn't get to watch most of your matches,"

I couldn't take all the anxiousness that came with watching the matching so I only watched Henry's match and that was it.

"Don't worry about it, the tournament is next to nothing when compared with training with my cousin," Nicole said as she reached for the knife on the table.

"Who's your cousin," I subconsciously voiced out loud.

"Lucian, of course, Nicolian and I are a few hundred years younger, so when we came of age he was the one that trained us and taught us how to fight,"

I keep forgetting they have relations to Lucian but the resemblance was undoubtedly there. Nicole's gentle but sharp features were very similar to that of Nicolian's.

Nicole used the knife in her palm and made a slit and held it in front of Alex, but before she could heal, Alex began to drink from her hand.

I couldn't help but stare at them with immense confusion, Alex is a werewolf so why was her drinking Nicole's blood? If anything it was supposed to be the other way around.

Colin smirked and whistled at them, "You guys should get a room," causing the rest of us to laugh.

"Am I the only one slightly confused?" I wasn't quite sure what was happening but seeing the way Alex's eyes darkened, one could say he was enjoying it.

As Alex let go of her hand and wiped the blood leftover on his lips and retracted his canines, he smiled at me, "It's called blood sharing,"

"It's a very intimate thing meant for mates, so it naturally comes with added benefits," Nicole added while she wiped the excess blood from her hands. "a deeper connection, healing, pleasure," she said that last part looking directly at her mate.

I blushed and I looked away from the intimate moment they seemed to be having, "Don't worry, they're always like this, the only reason we tolerated it is cause it'd help Alex heal faster," Colin snickered as he took a bit of the garlic bread and spaghetti bolognese that was served for dinner.

I heard about what happened to Alex, his opponent had used her powers and burnt his feet midway through the match. He seemed to be better now but it was clear that he was in pain whenever he walked.

"If that's the case why didn't you just find someone to blood share with instead of going to the healing room?" I said to Henry, he would've healed much faster if he just blood shared as Alex did with Nicole, instead of making me stay with him while he soaked in the healing room.

His eyes widen when he heard what I said, "I rather not end up with a random mate, please and thank you,"

I couldn't help but laugh as he was being his normal slightly over-dramatic self. "What do you mean random mate? I'm referring to your healing, besides isn't blood sharing just feeding?"

"Doesn't work like that sweetheart," he shook his head as he took another bite of the spaghetti. "If you blood share with someone that isn't your mate, they become mate and then you're stuck with them,"

"With blood sharing, you're not feeding, you're intertwining your souls. It's much more intense when compared to feeding for vampires at least, for other creatures it's just an intimate act between mates," Alice added as she left the little chat she and Nico were having and joined our conversation.

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