Chapter 19: Vis

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Katherine's POV

We were all seated in the dining hall as we waited for the second round of breakfast. I was relatively still tired, I mean try sharing a bed with three other people and see if you'd get enough sleep.

The girls had woken me up this morning because even though the next few days were dedicated to the tournament and there was no school, it was still compulsory for all students including humans to attend the showdown.

While I was getting ready, they moved some of their things into the other suite rooms, so I guess we were official roommates.

"Hand me that vis drink," Alice said while reaching to grab it out of Henry's hands.

"Wait, I'm almost done," I laughed as Henry struggled to get a gulp of the light red looking liquid.

Vis drinks are like a supernatural power drink, it helps with a quick boost of strength and stamina.

Colin smirked while staring at Henry, "Are you scared?" This caused Henry to roll his eyes at Colin then pass the drink to Alice.

It seemed like everyone was at the game today, I saw almost everyone in the sports uniform except for one or two here and there who were obviously human.

I was wearing one of the school's skin-tight tank tops and biker shorts with trainers. At the moment I looked very athletic but if you think I am, you're dead wrong.

I watched as Alice gulped the remaining vis, and tied her ponytail even tighter which brought out her defined cheekbones and full eyebrows.

My palms were sweating, all this excitement made me nervous, I had never seen supernaturals fight, Lady Morgan pretty much kept me away from the world, asides from that I was scared one of them would get hurt.

Obviously, it wasn't a fight to the death but Colin had mentioned something about the fight not stopping until the opponent passes out or says they surrender.

To say the least, I was nervous, I was about to witness a full-on brawl. Well, not full-on because it's still being moderated but it was basically the same thing.

"Try not to get your ass whooped in front of the General," some guy with white hair laughed as he patted Henry on the back and walked away. He definitely wasn't a vampire and he wasn't a werewolf, so what was he?

Everyone seemed to be teasing Henry, he was supposedly one of the first few runner-ups. It would be quite embarrassing to get knocked out in the first few rounds, but he looked strong and he was very well built, he probably wouldn't have any trouble taking on an opponent.

"Come on, let's start heading to the arena," Nicole mentioned, her and Alex had just arrived, they were with us earlier but I think Nicole went to go give Alex a pep talk considering he also had a match today.

"I'm not even part of the people in the tournament and my heads are already sweaty," I voiced out my thoughts, it was definitely getting harder and harder to keep my cool.

"Aw, don't worry they'll be fine," Liz hugged me from the side and made me wince a little because my shoulder hadn't completely healed from when Lucian dislocated it but it was a bearable ache.

She held my hand and we followed closely behind the others. This was the first time I've left the main building since I've arrived and my surroundings were absolutely not anywhere below my expectations.

The grass had a fresh green cut to it, even though we were walking on the sidewalk, I could tell the grass was really soft. Seeing all the other school buildings up close made me realize how big everything was.

We had been walking for roughly ten minutes before we got to the arena, I slowed down as we were about to exit the tunnel and as we approached the light at the end. I was in complete awe while I gazed around my surroundings taking in every detail.

Some of the seats above had already been filled but Alice found some nice seats for us. It was a little bit sunny so I was glad that I had on a baseball cap and that I had packed some snacks and water.

The sun was blazing through the barrier and into the arena so the seats we sat on were already warm. I turned my head to the side and I saw someone I hadn't seen in a long while.


He looked different, very different, he was wearing royal attire that was fitted to his body and the royal crest hung from his neck. His once hazel eyes were deep red but bright enough that I could see them from here, he looked like a true King.

Well he is, isn't he? Aside from the inner circle of the royal court, no one knew I was queen. The cover story was that the cardinal was still choosing the next ruler, so Daniel had placed Lucian on the throne, considering the only position higher than the general was the king.

Was that why he was gone for so long? Did he go back to the castle or has he been at the academy the whole time? I was tempted to stand up and go talk to him but I eventually decided against it.

I didn't realize when he had turned and noticed my gaze on him, when I did I couldn't help but blush. Gosh, that is so embarrassing! He began to whisper something in Llewellyn's ear, who was sitting beside him, and he looked back at me momentarily before focusing his attention on something else.

If I was being honest, I was a bit disappointed not getting to see much of him recently but it doesn't matter now.

"Ooh, the tournament is about to start!" Elizabeth shrieked as she clutched my arm, I pulled my eyes away from Lucian and stared at Headmaster Dane that had just emerged from one of the tunnels.

"Welcome, students of the Royal Academy," his voice boomed and echoed throughout the arena, it was just then I noticed almost every seat was filled, at least a thousand students were here.

"The General has given you this opportunity to showcase your strength and your ability to contribute to your Kingdom," he gestured to Lucian who gave a nod of acknowledgement then Dane waved his hand and the school band made their presence known. "Before we begin, let's sing our school anthem."

I looked awkwardly at Elizabeth, I've only been at the school a few days, how was I supposed to know the anthem, "It's okay just put your right hand over your heart and hum," she whispered as the trumpets started and we all stood up to sing the school's anthem.

"Stand together in the eye of the storm,

Growing stronger every day, even more,

Keep on walking in the face of war,

Feel the fire run through our lungs,

Find our treasure in the light of the sun,

Bravery as fierce as the day we were born,

Fighting for survival and the world to reform,

Then stand together as one once more."

We all took a seat as the school band retreated and the Headmaster continued speaking, "Before we begin the match, I would like to lay out some ground rules for your safety,"

"There will be no killing, as soon as the opponent surrenders or passes out, the victor will be declared. Secondly, no form of torture is allowed, we are here to show good sportsmanship not to harm one another. Thirdly, for those with powers are not allowed to attack full blast, compulsion is not permitted, those who decide to use their wolves forms are required to stay in control, and lastly, vampires are not allowed to drink the blood of their victims."

He looked around the arena once more and smirked, "Let the games begin."


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