𝟣𝟢 | 𝐼 𝓁𝒾𝓀𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝒷𝒶𝒹 𝒶𝓉𝓉𝒾𝓉𝓊𝒹𝑒

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Days passed by quicker than Athena was able to realize. More often than not, she found herself observing Kye, especially during physical training sessions. He was one of the best fighters in almost every sense, be it long distance or short distance. His offensive and defensive skills as well as his strategical, smooth advances were shaped to perfection. Kye was the one opponent nobody wanted to have and train with because they knew how they will get their asses beat.

They were in a building in the city that belonged to the Mafia, it looked like a regular three-story office building from the outside but the inside was a gym.

"No, hermanita. Watch, you leave hand flat, alright? Good. Now you bend the tips of your fingers so they lay on your palm at the beginnings of your fingers. Exactly. Fold your finger in so your nails kinda dig into your hand but without pain. Tighten. Leave the thumb on the fingers tight but not too much. Exactamente! Now punch," (Exactly)

Hayden gasped as Athena rammed her fist into his unprotected stomach, "THE BAG! NOT ME!" He wheezed. She shrugged.

"How do you-" he panted, "-do you even pack a fucking punch like that? That's almost Kye's level,"

Suddenly, the was a cranking sound coming from the speaker hanging above the door at the ceiling before Kaden's voice spoke loud and clear.

"One on one fights now on the third floor, get in there."

This facility didn't have an elevator, intentionally designed like that by Kaden and Hayes. The pair straightened up and went to the large stairwell outside one of the training rooms on the first floor.

Although Kye and Hayden had finished their training a bit ago, they still came to family training days and sometimes as instructors for the trainees. Today was family training day. Everybody must participate in those, even the kids. But these days are not nearly as tough as what the trainees for the mafia have to go through daily.

Around the large mats in the middle of the room was the whole family, scattered. Kaden stood on top of the mats, barefoot with an IPad in his hand. They would have to fight each other chosen randomly by the program installed on Kaden's IPad. "Bene, we will commence with...Tiana and Noah!"

The two got up on the mat, circling each other until Noah advanced. He stretched his arm to punch Tiana in the face who quickly dodged it. After many blows and dripped sweat, Noah laid panting on the mat with an equally breathless yet victorious Tian holding out her hand to help him get up on his feet again for which he was grateful for.

"Good fight but Noah is losing his great offensive line. Tiana quickly saw the flaws, like taking too long, and used it to her advantage. You, tía, also have slight problems with your stance we'll have to work on that," Kye muttered, his head tilted to the ceiling as if in deep in thought.

"Okay, Alessio and Giuliano!"

Again, two of them fought, Giuliano winning. Next up, were Valeriana and Athena who smirked at each other. Valeriana was very cocky when it came to fighting and protecting herself but she also knew that Athena was no easy person to defeat, especially since she would be done with her training before Valeriana herself. This was by far the longest fight and in the end, Valeriana did end up getting defeated by Athena although only by one wrong move that Athena had caught up on.

Since everybody had to have at least one go, it was often possible that some had to fight twice. Almost all of them had their go except for one person.

"Kye and Athena!"

Athena's eyes widened as did Alessio's and Valeriana's. "Shit," Alessio muttered, you couldn't change the partners. The only exception was if one of the chosen ones had a fight prior to two of the one they were selected for. Athena had only fought once and that was at the very beginning so now she was forced to go up against her stupid crush since forever.

She made the first move by taking a quick step forward and going for a jab with her fist. Kye had seen this coming with his calculative stare set on her every movement which resulted in him countering it with his own arm outstretched, touching and pushing Athena's wrist away before it could reach him. Then he proceeded with a light punch to her side.

This went on many times until Athena shouted at him. "Stop going fucking easy on me, Kye." His eyes darkened and he uttered something under his breath that she didn't understand. They went at it again, and to fuel Athena's anger, Kye didn't quit it.

"Estoy tan jodidamente enfadada contigo y tú lo estás empeorando," Athena voiced lowly, so the others could barely much less even understand her.

(I'm fucking mad at you and you're making it worse.)

He shook his head. "¡Entonces usa tu ira y empieza a pelear como sé que puedes!"

(Then use your anger and start fighting like I know you can)

Kye took her by surprise when he ducked Athena's oncoming fist and delivered a blow into her gut. She staggered a few steps behind before she recovered, wasting no time in moving up to him and hitting him with a double roundhouse kick that was sure to send him to the ground.

As soon as his body hit the mat, Athena was on top of him punching away at his torso with slight difficulty. But that wasn't the end of the fight yet, Kye pushed his body up into a bridge position, his arms curling beneath Athena's armpits and holding onto her shoulders. "What-" And just like that, Athena was again under Kye. "G-get the fuck o-off of me, Kye!"

He held her wrists above her head as he glared intensely at her. "Good, Chérie. But not good enough," She thought of something to get out of this position quickly, though she wasn't sure if it would work. Fast, she executed her plan. It consisted of her biting her lip and staring darkly at him, raking her eyes from his thighs up to his thick eyebrows. To her great luck, it worked and he loosened his grip.

Before Kye could comprehend what was happening, she hooked her arms around his neck pulling him dangerously close to her lips. From what the family could see, the two were kissing. That wasn't what was happening, their breaths fanned each others lips for a few mere seconds and in a flash with enough force, Athena was on top of Kye once more. She leaned down, supporting herself on her hands on each side of his head. Athena whispered harshly before getting up and leaving them all behind. "J'en ai fini avec toi qui joue avec moi, Kye Adresano."
(I am done with you playing with me)

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