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Draco threw his book on the table, sitting down obnoxiously loudly. Ramona was sure he wasn't going to show up, and yet there he was- summoned to do a task he cared very little about.

"I am giving you fifteen minutes," said Draco, leaning back in his chair and observing the movements of the witch next to him, who paid very little attention to anything but the books before her on the table.

"We're doing the Drought Charm and the Bubble-Head Charm. Pick," Ramona said.

"Splendid," he mumbled. Draco continued to observe her as she flipped through the pages of her book. He knew her from somewhere, he was sure of it.

Draco leaned forward a little so that he was closer to her. "If you ever speak to me again like you did back there-" he threatened in a low voice.

"Yes?" Her words came out sounding as if she was barely registering what he was saying, his warning falling on deaf ears.

"You will regret it, blood-traitor," he spat. His tone of voice was sufficient enough to cause anyone to instantly recoil. No one wanted to get on Malfoy's bad side, anyway. Though Ramona could care less.

"We don't have to speak to each other ever again, just do your part and you will be rid of me," she said cheerfully, finally sparing him a glance. The entire exchange left him feeling angry; where his anger came from he wasn't certain, but the careless attitude of the newcomer did nothing but birth within him a great annoyance.

When they were children, he could never be mean to her. It was as if his body didn't allow him to direct any sort of negative emotion towards her. As if he was programmed to keep her away from all his negative emotions. Now, it wasn't so- but none the less, just like when they were children, Ramona did not imagine that such threats were serious. Especially when aimed towards her.

Just as she was about to say something, Draco felt a presence behind his back. The person's arm barely brushed against his back, thus he turned, looking up at Gregory Goyle. The boy's arms were crossed and his nauseating grimace was directed towards Ramona who, glancing towards him, suppressed a groan.

"Can I help you?" Turning back to her book, Ramona intended on making their exchange a quick one. Goyle, however, wasn't keen on it being so.

"I think you owe me an apology," said he, glancing at his friends on the other side of the common room, who had obviously gotten it into his head that he should request such an absurd thing from her.

"Oh?" she said, crossing her arms, a muscle twitch of her lip betraying amusement at the situation.

"All I wanted was to give you a compliment, and you were a complete bitch," Goyle reasoned, the well-rehearsed speech that was supposed to excuse his actions and deem her the villain already sizzling within his brain.

"That's not how you give a compliment, darling," Ramona said, the term of endearment sounding more like a curse when said so leasurely. "We have to things to do, so if you don't mind I'd like to ask you to leave."

"Not until you say sorry." His eyes were trained on his friends; though evidently uncomfortable, he was not backing down.

"I wouldn't mean it, so there is no point in-"

"Say it."

"Don't be a child, Gregory."

"Say it or I'll make you," said then Goyle, the words surprising even him. Malfoy whistled and leaned back, enjoying the sigh of Ramona closing her eyes to preserve what little patience she had left.

The, realizing that such an exchange could note end without a scene; or, he would not allow it to end so, she stood up. She hoped that what she had planned would be enough for all of them to bugger off, since she was in no mood to amuse slimy Slytherin boys any further.

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