Chapter 11

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The next day I'm filled with a nervousness as I recall what happened with Alex yesterday. I don't know what I should do. Do I confess my feelings? Will he fill the same way? I keep thinking all these questions until mood drops to sadness as I can't help but think the most important one. Will he leave me like my dad did? Shaking my head, I immediately regret thinking such things about him. He seems to nice and genuine to do anything like that.

I'm pulled from my thoughts as a hand waves frantically in my face to get my attention. "Earth to Sam!" I see Emily give me expectant look. "I'm sorry, I spaced. What is it?" I ask sheepishly realizing I was lost in my thoughts. "So what happened last night." She asks me smirking with a knowing look in her eyes. "What do you mean?" I ask. There's no way she would know what happened. She wasn't there. "I'm talking about that forehead kiss Alex gave you last night!" She says full on smiling. "How do you know that happened?" I ask her. Was she spying on us? "Oh please the minute he got home Alex told Chase and me being nosy happened to overhear the conversation. I told you, you guys liked each other." She's matter of factly.

Not wanting to be filled with false hope I quickly shake my head as I start to correct her. "Your wrong Em, Alex doesn't like me." My voice sounds a bit pained at the end of my statement and as I try to keep my emotions in check I couldn't help but let a single tear fall. "You like him don't you?" She ask me softly. Looking up, I match her look with one of my own as I slowly nod. "I do, but I don't think he does." Before she can say anything the bell rings as our chemistry class ends. Not wanting to hear her try to assure me, I quickly leave the classroom and head to my locker. Suddenly feeling an arm thrown over my shoulder I quickly look to my side to see Alex. "Hey Shorty." Ignore my heart beat increase at just the sight of him I smile and turn back to my locker. "Hey Alex what are you doing?" I ask as I gather my things before shutting it. "Well I figured I'd walk with you to your next class." He says shrugging as his arm is still on me. "Okay sure." Turning around I start walking with Alex as we head towards my class.

Approaching the classroom, my body is turned as my face meets Alex's chest as he pulls me into a hug. "Have fun Shorty, I'll see you at lunch." He whispers before letting go and walking away. Not fighting the small I turn to go to my seat as I spot Brooke in the back. Trying to ignore her glare, I sit and wish it was lunch already. The class passes quickly as I hear the bell and start walking out. Before I can make it a few steps I'm roughly grabbed and dragged to a corner of the hallway. Turning I'm met with the heated glare from Brooke. "I see you've neglected what I've been saying. You and Alex seem to be cozy lately." She says. Rolling my eyes I try to walk by her only to be pushed. "Look I don't care what you have to say alright. What he does in his free time is up to him and no one else. Leave me alone." I say firmly like it'll do much. Chuckling she shakes her head opening her mouth to retort back, she's cut off by someone else. "Brooke, what did I tell you before!" I hear Alex yell as he quickly walks towards us.

Realizing it's Alex her eyes widen slightly as she turns towards him before smiling like she did nothing wrong. "Alex baby! There you are!" She tries to go over and hug but is shocked when Alex slightly pushes her away before glaring at her. "Don't call me that! Don't ever call me that. And while your at it, leave Sam alone." He doesn't give her a chance to respond before he takes my hand dragging me away. "Thanks." I say to him while keeping my head down." Don't worry about it Shorty, I'll always be there for you." Smiling, we start to head to lunch before I notice something tapped to my locker. Curiously, I quickly grab it stuffing it in my pocket before keeping up with Alex.

As we reach the courtyard, I instantly rush towards Emily and sit next to her, giving both her and Chase a wave. "Sammi! You made it!" Chase says as if I were hours late. Chuckling I shake my head at him. "Where else would I be? Have you forgotten, you guys are really my only friends." I say with a shrug. "Correction, I'm your best friend now and these two chuckleheads are just friends." Emily says making me laugh. "Hey! I should be her best friend! I knew her first!" Chase exclaims as he abruptly stands up before squeezing himself between me and Emily. Nodding her head she gets a thoughtful look on her face before responding. "Okay, then I guess you'd be fine with all the girl talk and shopping and all things girly that comes with being the best friend?" she asks making Chase look like he's seen as a ghost. "well a just friend, you, can do that, I'll do everything else best friend wise."

"what's going on here?" I hear Alex say as he laughs taking a seat. "Oh nothing, just these two fighting over the position of my best friend." I say making Alex turn towards Chase. "Dude. Really?" He asks him as Chase starts to look sheepish. "I'm her best friend, right Shorty?" he continues making me gape at all of them. "Really you to? Okay guys look, we are all friends here, however Em is my best friend. " I say as Emily starts 'happy dancing' and Chase and Alex just stare at me. "What us girls stick together." I say shrugging. "Damn right we do!" Em shouts as she pushes chase away to reclaim her spot. 

My thoughts are sidetracked as I remember the note suddenly. Curiously I take it out of my pocket to unfold it. As I read the contents of it I start to feel uneasy.

Better watch your back Sam, who knows what could happen.

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