Chapter 21

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Eventually I manage to calm down as my sobbing ceases. Still feeling tears trail down my cheeks, I slowly get up and lean against the wall to support my weight. I flinch as I see Dayton's eyes look at my direction with a smirk on his face. Still sitting on the ground, he slowly turns to Alex. "She's a good kisser. Too bad you interrupted our fun." I start to feel my body shaking as he reminds me of what he almost did to me. Snapping my eyes to Alex, I see his body shake as well. However, his shaking wasn't caused by fear like mine was, no his was from anger and rage.

I see him clench his fist so tightly I worry if he's going to draw blood from his own nails. "Oh, trust me, she wasn't having fun at all you disgusting excuse of a man. You almost raped her." Actually hearing the words of what was about to happen to me I let out a small sob as the tears start again. Slowly I reach out towards him as I clutch his body to me from behind. With one hand he grips mine tightly but not even to hurt as he whispers comforting words to me.

Dayton's smirk widens as he stands up making Alex back me up against the wall shielding me completely from his view. However, it does nothing to block his voice from reaching my ears. "It's not called rape if she likes it." He says humorously. Instantly I start shaking my head against Alex's back as if trying to tell him he's wrong.

"You sick bastard." He hissed. Before he has a chance to try to take a swing at him, Dayton chuckles deeply before disappearing into the darkness behind him. Instantly Alex turns around and hugs me tightly to his body as I clutch his shirt tightly with my hands. "Are you okay Shorty?" He asks softly as he rubs my back with one hand and softly runs his other through my hair.

"N-No, h-he just, I-I feel.." My words trail off as I can't seem to produce a coherent sentence. I'm too shaken up to do anything but cling to Alex as if he's my life line. He carefully picks me up and walks towards his car setting me down in the passenger side. After he pries my fingers off I instantly start to panic before he rushes to the other side getting and taking my hand as he starts driving.

"Do you want me to take you home?" He ask not taking his eyes off the road. I start shake my head, my mom doesn't need to see me this way and I know I wouldn't be able to bring myself to tell her. Nodding his head he seems to know where to take me as he turns down a different road until we stop in front of a house I don't recognize. Before I can ask where we are, he turns to me as I look at him.

"This is my place, if your okay with it you can stay here until your calm enough to go home." He states.

"Okay yeah. Just let me tell my mom." I say so quietly I'm surprised he heard me. I shakily grab my phone from my pocket and attempt to start texting my mom. Before I could do anything else he slowly grabs my phone sending me a small smile before he sends the text for me. "I'll tell her you're staying at Emily's alright?" He asks making sure I was fine with it. I nod so subtly before he gets out and comes over to my side as he opens the door to pick me off the seat probably knowing I won't be able to walk properly as I'm still shaking uncontrollably and carrying me through the front door.

As he sits me down on the sofa I hear my phone go off from his pocket but I don't bring myself to tear my eyes away from the floor. "She said that's fine and that she got called into work anyway." He says to me before sitting down next to me. As if on instinct I immediately glue myself to his side as I bury my head in his chest while he wraps his arms around me tightly. "How did you find me?" I ask in a whispered voice.

"I heard you scream. I was driving when I thought I saw you walk down the alley with someone so I stopped as I was curious." He pauses for a minute before he chuckles with no humor behind his laugh. "I was stupid thinking you knew the guy but it wasn't until I heard you scream when I knew it wasn't the case. I ran towards your screams when I saw what he was doing." He says almost forcing the words out. I pull away as he looks at my face before he cups my face softly in his hands rubbing his thumbs over my bruises that are already starting to form. "I'm so sorry Shorty. I shouldn't have let him get to you." I flinch slightly as he calls me that. "He called me Shorty. He used that name. Only you can call me that, I told him but I made him even more mad and that's when he, he." I can't even finish my thoughts as I close my eyes tightly trying to forget.

"Hey it's okay Shorty, look at me." He says while lifting my head as I open my eyes staring into his. "Your right. Only I'm allowed to call you that. Your my Shorty. Don't blame yourself." He says as I nod. Noticing how tired I must've gotten he slowly picks me up again as he carries me to what seems to be his room. "Where's your parents?" I ask he lays me down. "They went away for the weekend. Now you need to get some sleep." He says starting to walk towards the door. "NO!" I shout, instantly grabbing his hand as he turns to me. "I don't feel safe. Please Alex, don't leave me." Seeing my eyes water he slowly gets beside me in the bed as he hugs me tightly before kissing the top of my head making me feel safer again. "Never. You'll be glued to my side."

He continues to comfort me as I slowly drift off into sleep.

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