Chapter 29

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They say when your life is in an immediate danger, your life flashes before your eyes. You get this little movie of sorts going through your head of all the things you've accomplished, the people who would miss you, and other sentimental things like that before you die. However, standing here with a gun quite literally to my face, I didn't get none of that. I didn't get flashes of my mom, my nonexistent dad, my friends I've made this past year, and especially none of Alex. I would think if I were to die I'd at least get that. Moments of us together throughout the few months we've dated and especially since we met, the special moments that will always hold a place in my heart.

As I look at Alex, I could see the clear worry in his eyes as he looks at the gun then to me. "Me and you Shorty, are going to go on a trip. Where you won't be found this time." Dayton whispers in my ear as his grip tightens around my waist taking a couple steps away from Alex and my freedom. My eyes start watering again as I look at Alex. Seeing me getting further away, Alex goes to move closer making Dayton stop as the gun pushes against my temple. "You move one more step and she dies." He hissed in Alex's direction making him freeze in his steps as his fist clenched while he looks around. What is he looking for?

"Dayton calm down. I though you loved Sam." He says forcibly getting out the last bit. It probably pains him to say this to Dayton but anything to get him to let me go, he would probably do.

I feel the gun waver the slightest bit against my head as his grip loosens a bit also making me think Alex is getting through to him. "I do love Sam. That's why I'm taking her on a special trip." He whispers as he snuggles his head against mine making more tears fall. "If you love Sam, then the last thing you'd want to do is hurt her right?" Hurt me?! That's all he's been doing this whole time! As if knowing what I'm thinking, Alex slightly shakes his head mouthing, 'just go with it' in my direction so Dayton doesn't see. "I would never hurt Shorty. I love her." He says making me and Alex flinch at the name. "Can't you see that what your doing now is hurting her then? Look at her Dayton, she doesn't want to go. Just let her go." He says softly as Dayton turns me around in his arms with the gun still pointed at my face.

As if seeing what he's done to me for the first time, his eyes widen as I think I see a tear go down his face. Slowly he leans down to me and hugs me before kissing me. I try to push him off of me but his grip tightens again as he pulls away looking at me with a now angered face. He snaps his head in Alex's direction as he spins me again to face him pointing the gun at Alex now. "YOU DID THIS TO HER NOT ME!" He yells loudly making me flinch again as I start shaking my head.

"I didn't do anything Dayton you did. She was with you the whole time she was missing." Alex says calmly as he puts is hands up. "STOP! JUST SHUT UP!" Dayton continues to yell as he hangs his head a bit and his grip on my arms become so unbearably tight I start to fear it's going to break.

As if coming to a conclusion he slowly lifts his head back up. "If I can't have her, no one will." He says as he points the gun at me again making Alex's eyes and mine widen in fear. Alex begins running to us trying to get me away. "NO!" He yells as I hear a gun go off as I wait for the pain to come.

Dayton's grip falls as I hear a thud from behind me. Slowly I open my eyes and look to see Dayton on the ground with blood pooling around his head. Looking up a see a few policemen coming from some trees as they approach. "Miss Grey?" One asks as he slowly approaches me. Not finding any words I nod my head as I feel Alex crash my body against his as tears fall down onto my head.

"I thought I was going to loose you Shorty." He whispers as I clutch him tightly to me. I let the tears I've been holding fall as I bury my face in his shirt clinging to him. He slowly pulls away as he holds my face with his hands wiping away the tears with his thumbs. Placing his head on my forehead, he closes his eyes as final tears fall. "You're safe now. He can't hurt you anymore."

"Alex, thank you." I say back to him as he gives me warning smile before kissing me. "I'm sorry to interrupt but we have to ask you a few questions Miss Grey." I hear one of the officers say making me pull away as I turn to face them while Alex keeps his grip on me. Seeing this the officer looks to Alex. "It's okay Mr. Henderson. We won't hurt her." He says to him. "I know but I just got her back. You can question her with me there." He says leaving no room to argue.

Soon after we make it to the police station as the officer I now know as Officer Jackson leads us to a quiet room. "Now, Miss Grey, can you tell us what happened?" He says kindly as I nod my head. I tell them everything from meeting Dayton to what he tried to do before Alex got there. Suddenly remembering something I quickly turn to Alex as he looks at me questionably. "Brooke. She was there. She was apart of it." I say quickly as I remember Brooke slapping me. "Brooke who?" The officer ask as I turn back to him. "Brooke Reynolds. She goes to our school. She gave Dayton my number so he could text me and she was there when I woke up in the cabin." He nods as he writes stuff down before he looks back at me. "Do you know where she is?" He asks. I shake my head no saying I never saw her after I woke up again.

"Okay, you're free to go now but please, if you ever remember anything else or know of her whereabouts, call us immediately." He says as he hands me a card with his office number on it. I take it nodding my head as Alex leads me out of the station.

These past couple of days were eventful but I'm glad to be back with Alex now.

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